Auto gates ;) -
GaGlets(R) - 23.11.2009
Hello all..
Im making my first map....
It will be autogates
My autogates wont work... I made that, if player is in any police car gate opens, if he is in right place gates open..
here is my script.... i know shame on me..
public autogates(playerid)
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
if(isacar(vehicleid) == 1)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 25, 1544.7, -1628.0, 14.0))
MoveObject(lsdpprieksa, 1544.7757568359, -1636.0593261719, 14.057502746582, 3); //vala
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 26, 1544.7, -1628.0, 14.0))
MoveObject(lsdpprieksa, 1544.7757568359, -1628.0593261719, 14.057502746582, 3); //ciet
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 25, 1588.181640625, -1637.8323974609, 15.19012260437))
MoveObject(lsdpgaraza, 1598.181640625, -1637.8323974609, 15.19012260437, 3); //vala
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 26, 1588.181640625, -1637.8323974609, 15.19012260437))
MoveObject(lsdpgaraza, 1588.181640625, -1637.8323974609, 15.19012260437, 3); //ciet
else if(isacar(vehicleid) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_5,"Error: You need to be in any police car!");
return 0;
The gates wont move
i have dona all this with cmds and works perfect...
Re: Auto gates ;) -
patchkinson - 23.11.2009
hehe u need to do like new object1; and then object1=CreateObject X Y Z then ifplayerrangetopoint Move object1 to X Y Z else X Y Z
Re: Auto gates ;) -
dice7 - 23.11.2009
Are you using any kind of timer ?
Re: Auto gates ;) -
GaGlets(R) - 23.11.2009
hehe u need to do like new object1; and then object1=CreateObject X Y Z then ifplayerrangetopoint Move object1 to X Y Z else X Y Z
i have this all already...
I used timer for gates witch using cmd's
For these autogates i dont..
Re: Auto gates ;) -
Joe Staff - 23.11.2009
Your method is wrong, I'm sure you've basically copied the
WIKI, but that's wrong too.
First I would start by changing the parameters on your callback. Even though you will be needing playerid, you should do a loop for all players instead of apparently having timers for all players.
pawn Code:
forward GateChecks();
new gate1,gate2;
public OnGameModeInit()
return 1;
public GateChecks()
new PlayerNearGate1, PlayerNearGate2;
for(new playerid,playerid<MAX_PLAYERS;playerid++)
else MoveObject(gate1,closedX1,closedY1,closedZ1);
else MoveObject(gate2,closedX2,closedY2,closedZ2);
And I hope you're smart enough to change 'closedX1' to the coordinate you need. I'm tired of people giving me errors like 'No such definition: "closedX1"' ... morons...
Re: Auto gates ;) -
GaGlets(R) - 24.11.2009
YES sure i can.. tnx, but why my metod dnt work.. (i dont copy wiki)
First i start making auto closegates with timer.. then i wanted to make that gates opens itself
And done that all...
OK NVM tnx....
Re: Auto gates ;) -
GaGlets(R) - 25.11.2009
Ok guys... i have new problem : D
Made gates.. worked for some time.. after 1 day it crashed..
Problem: Gates wont to close !
public GateChecks()
for(new playerid;playerid<MAX_PLAYERS;playerid++)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20, 1544.7, -1628.0, 14.0))PlayerNearlsdpprieksa=1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20, 1588.18, -1637.8, 15.19))PlayerNearlsdpgaraza=1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20, 2237.92, 2450.3, 9.7))PlayerNearlvdpprieksa=1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20, -1571.9, 661.0, 10.0))PlayerNearsfdpprieksa=1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20, -1640.0, 681.0, 10.0))PlayerNearsfdpprieksa2=1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20, 2293.7, 2498.3, 5.6))PlayerNearlvdpgaraza=1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20, -1633.0, 691.0, 6.0 ))PlayerNearsfpdgaraza=1;
if(PlayerNearlsdpprieksa)MoveObject(lsdpprieksa, 1544.7757568359, -1636.0593261719, 14.057502746582, 3); //vala;
else MoveObject(lsdpprieksa, 1544.7757568359, -1628.0593261719, 14.057502746582, 3); //ciet
if(PlayerNearlsdpgaraza)MoveObject(lsdpgaraza, 1598.181640625, -1637.8323974609, 15.19012260437, 3); //vala
else MoveObject(lsdpgaraza, 1588.181640625, -1637.8323974609, 15.19012260437, 3); //ciet
if(PlayerNearlvdpprieksa)MoveObject(lvdpprieksa, 2237.9245605469, 2440.337890625, 9.7784118652344, 3); //vala;
else MoveObject(lvdpprieksa, 2237.9245605469, 2450.337890625, 9.7784118652344, 3); //ciet
if(PlayerNearsfdpprieksa)MoveObject(sfdpprieksa, -1571.8327636719, 671.40673828125, 10.757417678833, 3); //vala;
else MoveObject(sfdpprieksa,-1571.8327636719, 661.40673828125, 10.757417678833, 3); //ciet
if(PlayerNearsfdpprieksa2)MoveObject(sfdpprieksa2, -1640.7103271484, 670.74017333984, 10.143852233887, 3); //vala;
else MoveObject(sfdpprieksa2, -1640.7103271484, 681.74017333984, 10.143852233887, 3); //ciet
if(PlayerNearlvdpgaraza)MoveObject(lvdpgaraza, 2293.5239257813, 2498.0485839844, 10.119644165039, 3); //vala;
else MoveObject(lvdpgaraza, 2293.5239257813, 2498.0485839844, 5.119644165039, 3); //ciet
if(PlayerNearsfpdgaraza)MoveObject(sfpdgaraza, -1633.3469238281, 691.77557373047, 11.1875, 3); //vala;
else MoveObject(sfpdgaraza, -1633.3469238281, 691.77557373047, 6.1875, 3); //ciet
compiled:No errors :-/
what i have made wrong?
with other stuff - OKI,DOKI
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(isskin()) {
return 1;
forward isskin();
public isskin()
new playerid;
new skin = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
case 274,275,276,280,281,282,283,284,288,285,286,287,163,164,165,166,277,278,279: return 1;
return 0;
Re: Auto gates ;) -
GaGlets(R) - 25.11.2009
(needed to add new playerneaargate.. in same line ;(