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Timer/Most Wanted Beacon - Printable Version

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Timer/Most Wanted Beacon - Jbosh123 - 20.11.2009


I was wondering how would I go if I wanted to make a Most Wanted system like SARP?

Would I need a Timer to update every second? And How would that work?
Also how do I make an invisible checkpoint/beacon over the player who has 6 stars and the checkpoint moves smoothly?

I was thinking, using SetPlayerCheckpoint!
But how would I set it to show everyone the beacon?

Also, Is there a way I can give each checkpoint an ID?
So like a Mat Running Checkpoint is ID 1!
And a MW Checkpoint is ID 2!
And Drug Run Checkpoint ID 3 and so on!

Why this? Because if someone was Matrunning they could easily go to most wanted instead of going to the end of the mat running route!
So is there a way to stop that glitch/bug?

Re: Timer/Most Wanted Beacon - [LCG]TANKER - 21.11.2009

im not 100% sure but you would probuly need to create a type of funtion or state as in...
and maybe a type of timer im just throwing this in as a idea cant think of how to do it off the top of my head haha XD


WantedPersonLocation(playerid,[location x,y,z])