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Hex colours? - Printable Version

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Hex colours? - Galcio - 20.11.2009

I'm not 100 percent sure what it's acutally called, but I think it's called hex colours - where do I find them?
I need a dark purple colour and a dark green colour.

Re: Hex colours? - Virtual1ty - 20.11.2009

search for a "Color Picker"
[EDIT:] w00t 100th post!

Re: Hex colours? - Zeex - 20.11.2009

I use this website to get color code -

When you pick it just replace # with 0x and add alpha channel value to the end.
For exapmple
I change to
Very simple.

Re: Hex colours? - laserhel50 - 20.11.2009

i had something before, in that you couldt create Colors, witch will get generated in a PAWN Color in 00000.1 second

Re: Hex colours? - ExoSanty - 20.11.2009

here are the colors used for cars:

colors to use in a string:

here are the hex-colors: