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Is possible? - Printable Version

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Is possible? - DizeL-ZR- - 20.11.2009

Possible trace as player gets health in burgers,pizzas automaton etc. when player buy food or drunk?

Re: Is possible? - *ToM* - 20.11.2009

Originally Posted by DizeL-ZR
Possible trace as player gets health in burgers,pizzas automaton etc. when player buy food or drunk?
what ? I didn't understand a shit from what you just said...

something with drinking and eating ang getting hp

Re: Is possible? - DizeL-ZR- - 20.11.2009

When player eat, drink gives to him hp. Can I in pawno trace it?

Re: Is possible? - *ToM* - 20.11.2009

Originally Posted by DizeL-ZR
When player eat, drink gives to him hp. Can I in pawno trace it?
You want to send some kind of message when he/she eats in burgershot etc . ?
or do you want to remove it so the person cannot use burgershots etc

Re: Is possible? - DizeL-ZR- - 20.11.2009

Originally Posted by Toniu_
You want to send some kind of message when he/she eats in burgershot etc . ?

Re: Is possible? - *ToM* - 20.11.2009

Originally Posted by DizeL-ZR
Originally Posted by Toniu_
You want to send some kind of message when he/she eats in burgershot etc . ?
well then I don't think it's possible, actually Im sure it's not possible but I can be wrong

Re: Is possible? - DizeL-ZR- - 20.11.2009

It's very bad

Re: Is possible? - Goobiiify - 20.11.2009

isn't Burgerd and such using Checkpoints?. I have not tested this but you can put something in OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint and check if it's works...

Re: Is possible? - niCe - 20.11.2009

I disagree. It's possible, but it may be slightly inaccurate in some cases. You can detect if player is in checkpoint position (NOT with IsPlayerInCheckpoint, but with IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint), pressing sprint key (used to select items in menu) and then set short timer to detect if player's health has increased and if the cash has been paid (-$1, -$2, -$5 or -$10). I use this system for anticheat purpose.

Re: Is possible? - DizeL-ZR- - 20.11.2009

Originally Posted by niCe
I use this system for anticheat purpose.
Can you give this anticheat system?