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Get interior? - Printable Version

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Get interior? - [XST]O_x - 19.11.2009

I'm trying to make a command,Something like /Cop,Or /Officer.
And i'm trying to do that you can use the command only on the LSPD interior(Which is 6).
And i've tried to do something like
if GetPlayerInterior(playerid) = 6 Well it didn't work 0.0
I Need that if the player is not in the interior it will SendClientMessage "You have to be in LSPD Interior to become an officer."
I've tried:
pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/Officer", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
        if GetPlayerInterior(playerid) = 6
        SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"You are now an officer!");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"You have to be in LSPD Interior to become an officer.");
    return 1; //Sorry the indentation fucked up...
Well it gives me some errors.
I Won't show you the errors because i think it's un-needed,Because you can already know that the mistake is in if GetPlayerInterior(playerid) = 6
But you know what i've meant.
Help appreciated.Thanks in advance.

Re: Get interior? - Rzzr - 19.11.2009

if GetPlayerInterior(playerid) = 6
Should be:
if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid)) == 6
Or something like that.
The 2 == and the ()

Re: Get interior? - Correlli - 19.11.2009

Originally Posted by [ST
DutchBas ]
if GetPlayerInterior(playerid) = 6
Should be:
if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid)) == 6

pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) == 6)
  // your code.

Re: Get interior? - Rzzr - 19.11.2009

Oh yeah i did it fast :P
Don_Corelli is right.

Re: Get interior? - [XST]O_x - 19.11.2009

Oh,Thanks both of you guys!