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compiler doesn't recognise names - Printable Version

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compiler doesn't recognise names - Sfinx_17 - 19.11.2009

this dam shit code what i just copy pasted from a tutorial why doesn't recognise the name "MyFirstNPCVehicle" when i compile? this is the code:
new MyFirstNPCVehicle; //Global variable!

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - MenaceX^ - 19.11.2009

Can't happen..
What is the exact problem?

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - On_Top_Non_Stop - 19.11.2009

Did u put "new MyFirstNPCVehicle; //Global variable!" at the TOP of your script and not in OnGameModeInit?

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - Sfinx_17 - 19.11.2009

yes i put at the top now why doesn't recognise?

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - DowNlOaD_ - 20.11.2009

1) dont swear

2) it need to be below includes...

PS: show us whole code at the top of your map

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - Sfinx_17 - 20.11.2009

this code i putted at the top now wtf is wrong now with this code's in this days?
this is the code mister "download" look..
new MyFirstNPCVehicle; //Global variable!

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - FUNExtreme - 20.11.2009

Originally Posted by DowNlOaD_
1) dont swear

2) it need to be below includes...

PS: show us whole code at the top of your map
Swear what you want but we can't help without the source

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - Sfinx_17 - 20.11.2009

why you can't help me? plz what source do you need errors? or what

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - Sfinx_17 - 20.11.2009

this is my code what i just posted above
new MyFirstNPCVehicle; //Global variable!

Re: compiler doesn't recognise names - miokie - 20.11.2009

Originally Posted by Sfinx_17
this is my code what i just posted above
new MyFirstNPCVehicle; //Global variable!
I think he means your Whole script, not just that line.