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Parachute Cant open on spawn - Printable Version

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Parachute Cant open on spawn - hipy - 19.11.2009

Hi on playerspawn i do setplayerpos and after that i give a parachute. But due some reaso you animated like you are falling, you can cycle weapons etc but you cant use your parachute.

How can i fix this?

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - DeathOnaStick - 19.11.2009

If ure using 0.3 use SetPlayerArmedWeapon.
Otherwise be REALLY SURE that you really added the parachute.

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - hipy - 19.11.2009

im in 0.3 and im realy sure i did giveplayerweapon id 46 ammo 1

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - DeathOnaStick - 19.11.2009

Originally Posted by hipy
im in 0.3 and im realy sure i did giveplayerweapon id 46 ammo 1
Then try SetPlayerArmedWeapon

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - hipy - 19.11.2009

didnt work, you get the normal falling animation and i can cyle trough weapons( so i decide to wear it or not )

what i do on spawm

if(dm[playerid] == 1)
        GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 46, 1);
		SetPlayerPos(playerid, ****,161.1266);
		SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 191.4758);
        SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, 46);
		PlayerPlaySound(playerid,1098 ,0, 0, 0);

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - DeathOnaStick - 19.11.2009

Originally Posted by hipy
didnt work, you get the normal falling animation and i can cyle trough weapons( so i decide to wear it or not )

what i do on spawm

if(dm[playerid] == 1)
       GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 46, 1);
		SetPlayerPos(playerid, ****,161.1266);
		SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 191.4758);
        SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, 46);
		PlayerPlaySound(playerid,1098 ,0, 0, 0);
Delete the Sound thing and the Camera for now. You can see if the problem is there. I don't think so, but a try is not worse than none.

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - Correlli - 19.11.2009

If you give a parachute to a player who's falling from the sky he won't play the parachute animation and he won't be able to open it, it think this is a San Andreas bug, i'm not so sure.

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - Tigerbeast11 - 19.11.2009

Mkae a parachute pickup on spawn and set the respawn time of pickup really quick like 1 second or something.

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - MenaceX^ - 19.11.2009

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
If you give a parachute to a player who's falling from the sky he won't play the parachute animation and he won't be able to open it, it think this is a San Andreas bug, i'm not so sure.
No. It's has always been working fine. I myself remember when I joined the first time the SA:MP community, it was on a GF script and they had /skydive command, which worked fine.

Re: Parachute Cant open on spawn - hipy - 19.11.2009

Don correli whas right,

atleast i delayed spawn in air by 1 second and that fixed it