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24/7 Server, Looking for a Scripter READ - Printable Version

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24/7 Server, Looking for a Scripter READ - Rickzor14 - 19.11.2009

Hello everyone,

Since a short time i made my server 24/7, Its hosted at ServerFFS

But i am looking for a Scripter/Mapper that wants to make a Little work for me,

What will you Recieve:

Administrator IG (And on forum, When we have them)
10% Of the Donations we get
Leader of The: FBI / PD / Army / Coastguard.

Please add me on msn, My msn is

Alot of Thanks, Daniel Johnson.

Re: 24/7 Server, Looking for a Scripter READ - [DDC]Delight - 19.11.2009

What do you have in mind?
PM me and maybe we could make an agreement