Help with tuned cars. - Printable Version
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Help with tuned cars. -
Enzo_Ferrari_V12 - 17.11.2009
I want to make a function like.
//MODELID = The car's id
//X,Y,Z = x,y,z position
//A = Angle
//C1, C2 = color 1, color 2
//TYPE_OF_CAR should have the options of 1,2, or 3.
Here are the three types:
Can anyone help?
Note: I dont' want a CreateStaticVehicle just a CreateVehicle
Btw I'm looking for mappers. check out my server:
Re: Help with tuned cars. -
Enzo_Ferrari_V12 - 18.11.2009
Is this too hard to make?
Re: Help with tuned cars. -
_Vortex - 18.11.2009
Please don't double post within a few hours.
And no, It's possible, but I don't have the time to work with that atm, if you want it made for you post in the "Script Request Thread"
Re: Help with tuned cars. -
Retardedwolf - 18.11.2009
Might help in making the function
Re: Help with tuned cars. -
Daniel_Truk - 18.11.2009
there is Addvehiclecomponent you can use the id of the car and model id of tune item, look on wiki for mor info
Re: Help with tuned cars. -
LarzI - 18.11.2009
In the function, create a vehicle then add components to the vehicle depending on the ID, as the guys above said.
pawn Код:
new veh = CreateVehicle(stuff);
AddVehicleComponent(veh, component);
return true;
Re: Help with tuned cars. -
Enzo_Ferrari_V12 - 18.11.2009
Does anyone know the compentents or have a car like this already made? I will look in wiki but if it's already done then there's no point lol. :P thanks.