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3D label - Printable Version

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3D label - Mechscape - 17.11.2009

I want make 3D label with a like "Says: Hey!" on nametag.
How i can get that poisiton? Like X, Y, Z? On Nametag.
And how i can do it? Thanks. I have readed in wiki sa-mp, but i cant understand, how i can get that on nametag poisiton..
Sorry for bad english!

Re: 3D label - DeathOnaStick - 17.11.2009

Just get the position of the player and put the 3d label a bit higher. Should maybe be about 1 Z-Coordinate.


Re: 3D label - Mechscape - 17.11.2009

How do i make, shows 3D label 2 sec's, then destory's 3D label. Like /say /b ..

Re: 3D label - Think - 17.11.2009

Originally Posted by Tundmatu
How do i make, shows 3D label 2 sec's, then destory's 3D label. Like /say /b ..
timers is the only i can think of ATM

Re: 3D label - LabAye - 29.11.2009

Originally Posted by Pandabeer1337
Originally Posted by Tundmatu
How do i make, shows 3D label 2 sec's, then destory's 3D label. Like /say /b ..
timers is the only i can think of ATM
I do not really understand the thing that you said. Can you explain it more further? I am a little bit confused about it.

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Re: 3D label - Think - 29.11.2009

Well if someone uses /say set a timer to destroy the label thats the only way i know ATM.

Re: 3D label - Kinetic - 29.11.2009

Wow.... Has nobody ever seen SetPlayerChatBubble? This creates a 3d text above the player. Use this in OnPlayerText and your good to go. No timers needed...

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
  new str[128];
  new name[playerid];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, name);
  format(str, sizeof(str), "%s says:%s", name, text);
  SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, str, 0xffffffff, 100.0, 10000); // White chat text displayed above players name. Viewable from 100 coordinates away. Stays for 10 seconds.
  return 1;
Warning: You will not see your own chat. So to test this, grab a friend and check it out.