Multiplayer Build games -
Mrkrabz - 15.11.2009
Looking for like a 2 player building game, Similar to Gmod i guess but a Co-Op game of some sort, Something fun to do
Multi player as over the net, Not 2 player on the same PC.
Any ideas?
Re: Multiplayer Build games -
Yeatric - 15.11.2009
Exactly the same I have been looking for for years...
Re: Multiplayer Build games -
propilot - 15.11.2009
me and my friend develpoed a multipalyer game already.
Re: Multiplayer Build games -
Mrkrabz - 16.11.2009
Originally Posted by [SU
propilot ]
me and my friend develpoed a multipalyer game already.
Ha.. lol
Can we see xD?
Re: Multiplayer Build games -
Yeatric - 18.11.2009
Hmmm.. I think GTASA is really rare with it's map editor and multiplayer mods...
Re: Multiplayer Build games -
Cueball - 19.11.2009
"Build game" can be taken a few ways, but I immediately thought of
MINECRAFT. It's a little lame, it's a little fruity (what I like to call 'luity'). It's made entirely from blocks (like lego) but it's multiplayer. You can build a lot of cool things, and it has water and all sorts. The physics aren't 100% but they're good none-the-less.
Check it out
Re: Multiplayer Build games -
Lynax - 24.11.2009
Try roblox.. Its really nice if you know LUA
And if you pratice a bit you can do window / maybe a palm tree / flower / HQ! or lot of thing.. n' trying minecraft
Re: Multiplayer Build games -
Mrkrabz - 24.11.2009
I have GFX games like that
I mean the quality of HL2 Engine. HL1 at the lowest.