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[HELP]Larp problem - Printable Version

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[HELP]Larp problem - ImRico - 14.11.2009

Hello, my other topic got deleted, i don't know why... Anyway. I have a big problem :S

I have a LARP gm, and if somebody buys a car and i later do server rr the cars are buyable again or ownable cars changes ( like if i got turismo , and i do rr i will got jester ) .

Please please help :S

Re: [HELP]Larp problem - Donuts - 14.11.2009

You should post your problem at the LARP thread, not here.

Re: [HELP]Larp problem - ImRico - 14.11.2009

I posted, no1 answers, if you know what's the problem then pelase tell me here :S

Re: [HELP]Larp problem - shady91 - 14.11.2009

Originally Posted by ImRico
I posted, no1 answers, if you know what's the problem then pelase tell me here :S
get the HINT no one helps GF users

Re: [HELP]Larp problem - Dorvarsul - 20.11.2009

Your car id's are mixed up,i dont know how to fix it