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Checkpoints - Rickyboy30 - 06.11.2009


In my server I want to create some checkpoints for a race, could someone tell me how to make them ??


Re: Checkpoints - dice7 - 06.11.2009

Re: Checkpoints - Jeffry - 06.11.2009

This is Yagus Race filterscript. It sooooo great, and easy.

If you have questions regarding it, just ask.

Have fun. Best way to make races.

Re: Checkpoints - Zeromanster - 06.11.2009

Re: Checkpoints - Rickyboy30 - 06.11.2009

Thanks ALOT! I'll test it out right now

EDIT: about the Race Filterscript, how do I add them to my gamemode ?

Re: Checkpoints - Jeffry - 06.11.2009

You create them as rcon admin. They will have in your "scriptfiles" folder. (this is in your pawno folder).

When you want to start it type /loadrace [racename] and then /startrace. This stands also on the page i gave you.
You can also add a Racerotation, that they start automatic. Its also descripted on the page.

Hope you can do all now.
Anything else? Or all good now?

Re: Checkpoints - Rickyboy30 - 06.11.2009

Well, I want to know, how to add it like, when you enter VehicleID number 'X'
that the race loads.

Re: Checkpoints - Jeffry - 06.11.2009

Omg, i really dont know that, sorry. Im not a profi in that.

But i will try something tomorrow, maybe i can make you a script.

-Off now. its 22:22 here.

Re: Checkpoints - Rickyboy30 - 06.11.2009

Thank you, lol you live in same timezone as me ;p

EDIT: Could someone tell me how to make that Race Maker thing that It will start when you enter a specefic vehicle ?

Re: Checkpoints - Rickyboy30 - 07.11.2009

Ah, Nvm

I got 1 question remaining: How do I script, like if I type /join, that I get TPed to the Checkpoint, instead of just showing it ?