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Checkpoint? - Printable Version

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Checkpoint? - Packer5 - 04.11.2009

I have a quick question.
I wanted to make a checkpoint in the manor of:

new check1 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 21);
How would I go about defining which checkpoint has which function?

public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if checkpoint is check1,
do this:
blah blah blah

Re: Checkpoint? - Packer5 - 05.11.2009

no one knows?

Re: Checkpoint? - Sergei - 05.11.2009

There can be only one checkpoint created per player at time, so SetPlayerCheckpoint doesn't return ID and callback has only playerid parameter.

Re: Checkpoint? - Packer5 - 05.11.2009

what if I wanted one checkpoint to give you health at the spawn point, and one at the other side of San Andreas to kill you when you walk into it?

Re: Checkpoint? - Lajko1 - 05.11.2009

public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
for this here look on wiki :D
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,10000); or SetPlayerHealth(playerid,100); or SetPlayerHealth(playerid,0); ... i just give an example 

Re: Checkpoint? - MachineHead - 05.11.2009

Originally Posted by Packer5
what if I wanted one checkpoint to give you health at the spawn point, and one at the other side of San Andreas to kill you when you walk into it?
Well, check if the player is near a point with

If they are, set a checkpoint where you want it.

Do the same with the other checkpoints.