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HELP - JFT - 04.11.2009

This error or know what it is that it is chasing me, they can tell me what this means because I already changed the GameMode and not the GameMode, the server is working normal this early-suddenly. CAN HELP ME PLEASE.

att: JFT

Re: HELP - Noddi3 - 04.11.2009

I don't know but there's no need to make 2 topic's about this

Re: HELP - Diablosrouge - 04.11.2009

Originally Posted by Noddi3
I don't know but there's no need to make 2 topic's about this
He made this 2nd topic here because the previous one was in the incorrect place.

Re: HELP - JFT - 04.11.2009

is this topic I made here pq a friend warning me, and you do not know how I fix this error that is occurring?

Re: HELP - Karlip - 04.11.2009

Originally Posted by JFT
is this topic I made here pq a friend warning me, and you do not know how I fix this error that is occurring?
I had this when the server was lagging bad, and i lost connection so my player didn't time-out in time so it said that the name is taken.

Re: HELP - JFT - 04.11.2009

Tell me more please. and as I have to fix that is going on?

Re: HELP - Tyler_Idy - 05.11.2009

Well, what was your name you typed in?

Re: HELP - marharth - 05.11.2009

ya what was the name you typed in...

3 letter names sometimes won't be accepted, or names with all caps..

Re: HELP - Karlip - 05.11.2009

This has nothing to do with this name lenght, as you can see he connects for some time then reconnects, which is not a nickname problem.

If this happens repeadetly, ask the server admins or other players if it's lagging or something.

EDIT: Fixed a typo D;

Re: HELP - JFT - 05.11.2009

I am the owner of the server, and that this ocorredo (me and all the players) is so, I enter the game everything normal and no problem that he's there. Oservidor was normal a few days ago, it start from scratch do not know why.