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[Help]Record code Error!! 0.3a R3 - Printable Version

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[Help]Record code Error!! 0.3a R3 - ba200101 - 03.11.2009

Hello, I came to China this country, I am not very good English proficiency, please do not take offense, thank you
Question: We have recently found that the use of 0.3 or 0.3r3 have a problem, is about archiving

0.2x do not have problems, only 0.3a of the

0.2x seems to be used in the encoding utf8 these codes, it seems 0.3 is now replaced by MyISAM code
MyISAM code in dealing with Chinese, English will become garbled .... but will not be
I asked several of my friends have the same situation
Therefore, I ask you to change back to staff can encode utf8, or help us to find alternatives, thank you!!
The following is a procedural
/ /

new h; new mins; new sec; new y, m, d;
new str [60]; new stringer [256];
getdate (y, m, d); gettime (h, mins, sec);
format (str, 60 ,"-[% 02d:% 02d:% 02d] - open \ r \ n ", h, mins, sec); / / open archive change here is garbled English ...
format (stringer, 256, "GF10/server /% d-% d-% d SEROPEN.txt", y, m, d); / / there is no problem here, the use of Chinese
new File: FILE = fopen (stringer, io_append);
fwrite (FILE, str);
fclose (FILE);

/ /

Thank you again!!

Re: [Help]Record code Error!! 0.3a R3 - Pghpunkid - 04.11.2009

Try removing the 0's on the English line, im not sure if 02 works. Try just 2.

Re: [Help]Record code Error!! 0.3a R3 - ba200101 - 04.11.2009

Sorry ... still the same is garbled, is the 0.3a their own problems ... it does not accept Chinese characters .... only supports the English ...

Re: [Help]Record code Error!! 0.3a R3 - Kalcor - 04.11.2009

It was previously OEM/ANSI/single-byte ISO-8859-1 in 0.2X, now it's in UTF-8 in 0.3a. A function such as utf8_decode() in php can decode it back to single-byte.

Re: [Help]Record code Error!! 0.3a R3 - ba200101 - 07.11.2009

Really thank you for giving me the answer to that, is really only through the PHP to convert incorrect?
Is there a better way to handle this problem?