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how save email sent in the game with laptop system - Printable Version

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how save email sent in the game with laptop system - jasonnw666 - 02.11.2009

i created a laptop system
but now i want create a txt file for each receiver of email.and this receiver can read the txt file.
how can i script?
who can help me?

Thank you

Re: how save email sent in the game with laptop system - Kyosaur - 02.11.2009

Ugh files ftl, you're better off using sqlite/mysql :P.

read these if you really want to use files instead though : (I'd use this instead of the getval in the above tut, but thats just me...)

Re: how save email sent in the game with laptop system - jasonnw666 - 02.11.2009

thank you but how i can add this in my gamemode lol

Re: how save email sent in the game with laptop system - jasonnw666 - 02.11.2009

with this system i can read file and the text appear in the game?

Re: how save email sent in the game with laptop system - Kyosaur - 02.11.2009

Originally Posted by jasonnw666
with this system i can read file and the text appear in the game?
Yes. Just read through and get used to using the file functions. If you dont understand it, you need to read through the wiki to get a better understanding of pawn (or even read the pawn.pdf, which can be found here).

Feel free to pm me if you have any more problems (once you have fully read the above/made an honest attempt, that is ).

Re: how save email sent in the game with laptop system - jasonnw666 - 03.11.2009

thank you for your help

i already use this to create save system (after a crash or playerdisconnect)
but i never used this to save text and the playercan read the text
i will work on this now