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Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - Printable Version

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Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - yugokoral - 02.11.2009

I have a troubles with bread oed ingame object editor. I add object, and when i want to move him, it moves only on right and up, while left and down keys wont work!? In 0.2X works perfect. What should i do? Please help

Thank you

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - Dreftas - 02.11.2009

KEY_UP changed to -128
KEY_DOWN changed to 128

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - dugi - 02.11.2009

The script might be redefining the key values which have changed in 0.3, so you have to edit the script.

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - yugokoral - 02.11.2009

Thank you! Now it works! I changed this:

pawn Code:
/* -- KEY FIXES -- */
#undef KEY_UP
#undef KEY_DOWN
#undef KEY_LEFT
#undef KEY_RIGHT
#define KEY_UP 65408
#define KEY_DOWN 128
#define KEY_LEFT 65408
#define KEY_RIGHT 128
to this:

pawn Code:
/* -- KEY FIXES -- */
#undef KEY_UP
#undef KEY_DOWN
#undef KEY_LEFT
#undef KEY_RIGHT
#define KEY_UP -128
#define KEY_DOWN 128
#define KEY_LEFT -128
#define KEY_RIGHT 128
thank you again

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - yugokoral - 02.11.2009

I am so sory for double post, but must ask 2 more questions. Why bread_oed wont save objects in a txt file, while there are loaded filterscripts, which have created or streamed objects?? And why i cant see now special letters [č, љ, ć, ћ, đ] in a save file txt of bread_oed?? In 0.2X i can see those special letters saved.

thank you

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - Mikep. - 02.11.2009

Use makabo's medit, it's alot better.

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - yugokoral - 02.11.2009

I cant download mabakos medit :S He removed the file :S

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - x-cutter - 02.11.2009

Try Seif's ingame object editor

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - Dainyzxz - 03.11.2009

how fix error >?

pawn Code:
oed.pwn(7) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dutils"
i have new version of pawno and included

Re: Bread_oed ingame object editor wont work properly in 0.3 - [BR]Allan - 24.12.2009

See this my filter is a modification of original filter by breadfish: