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[Map] [FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - Printable Version

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[FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - Bloodsparda - 02.11.2009

I made a Island in MTA Map Editor.


(Sorry i don't have the Screens for the V2...)



Additional Info:

The command for teleport is /Darkisland

Re: [FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - jerR - 03.11.2009

It was told me that I only can run MTA maps in MTA because SA-MP doesn't support the models except the own gta sa models?

Re: [FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - Cedimedi - 03.11.2009

Nice, i will may use this!

OffTopic to jerR: No, You can use MTA Maps in SA-MP because SA-MP have a feature with the name "CreateObject". That means, you can add every object you want to have (that exist in san andreas ;P) And there exist converters that convert MTA maps to SA-MP CreateObject

Re: [FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - jerR - 03.11.2009

But you can see it only yourself? or not? Objects that exist in san andreas so I can not make a big driving usb-stick? (strange example ) ?

Re: [FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - Cedimedi - 03.11.2009

everybody see the objects, but you can script too that only you will see it. and you only can add that objects that are arround San Andreas, exactly like the MTA Map Editor. Ask in the scriptingforums next time

Re: [FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - Guedes747 - 03.11.2009

Not bad i guess.

Re: [FS]&[MAP] Dark Island V2 - NuDer - 08.11.2009

Looks good Keep up the good work