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lil Help!1 - unique1801 - 01.11.2009

well im making a gamemode.. :ehehhehe

i knw im a noob but still i want to give it a try... so to start with.. i wana knw the following things..
1. How to show the server's name in big letters when anyone enters the server (not client message)
2. when u get the spawn option of the player ! (skins) how to change the background
3. how to teleport a player to a specific area.. when he clicks on spawn (skin) when he enters the server... i think it is something AddPlayerClass ... dono ..!!
4. how to completely disable weapon...(the player should not have anyweapon when he enters the server or while playing)

thankkss and sorry for my bad english

Re: lil Help!1 - Virtual1ty - 01.11.2009

Originally Posted by unique1801
well im making a gamemode.. :ehehhehe

i knw im a noob but still i want to give it a try... so to start with.. i wana knw the following things..
1. How to show the server's name in big letters when anyone enters the server (not client message)
2. when u get the spawn option of the player ! (skins) how to change the background
3. how to teleport a player to a specific area.. when he clicks on spawn (skin) when he enters the server... i think it is something AddPlayerClass ... dono ..!!
4. how to completely disable weapon...(the player should not have anyweapon when he enters the server or while playing)

thankkss and sorry for my bad english
2. under OnPlayerRequestClass:,,,,
3. under OnPlayerSpawn and SetPlayerPos, uhm and ye you could use
4. the option SetPlayerDisabledWeapon(s) has been disabled in 0.3 so ..

Re: lil Help!1 - unique1801 - 01.11.2009

well im a noob.. so if could explain me?

please!! .. pls explain me the 1st... gametext...where to add it..and all tat stuff

anywayz thankxx!

Re: lil Help!1 - GforceNL - 01.11.2009

under OnPlayerConnect

GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~Your text here!",6000,4);

Re: lil Help!1 - Backwardsman97 - 01.11.2009

It explains if you had read any of them. You ask for these things done for you but you say you want to try.

Re: lil Help!1 - Virtual1ty - 01.11.2009

Originally Posted by unique1801
well im a noob.. so if could explain me?

please!! .. pls explain me the 1st... gametext...where to add it..and all tat stuff

anywayz thankxx!

Re: lil Help!1 - dice7 - 01.11.2009

Originally Posted by Virtual1ty
4. the option SetPlayerDisabledWeapon(s) has been disabled in 0.3 so ..
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
  if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) > 0)
    return 0;
  return 1;
This will desync the player who has a weapon so other players will see him without any weapons. Damage from weapons also won't be dealt

Re: lil Help!1 - unique1801 - 01.11.2009

@ GforceNL
thanx for that!! it did work!!
but can u pls tell me how to add some more graphix to it... something which looks good (text)

Re: lil Help!1 - unique1801 - 02.11.2009

pls help!!