Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
gemadon - 31.10.2009
CreateObject(3095, 2191.03125, -1728.181640625, 374.326171875, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(3095, 2182.1396484375, -1728.138671875, 374.33801269531, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(3095, 2173.6806640625, -1728.2666015625, 374.39990234375, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(3095, 2199.396484375, -1728.28515625, 373.58410644531, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(3095, 2165.1953125, -1728.494140625, 374.31140136719, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(2949, 2203.9624023438, -1727.9249267578, 374.13952636719, 0.000000, 0.000000, 356.02844238281); //
CreateObject(2947, 2197.9396972656, -1732.3116455078, 374.06909179688, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67565917969); //
CreateObject(2944, 2200.6513671875, -1725.271484375, 376.16577148438, 0.000000, 0.000000, 266.7041015625); //
Those are a few of them. I put them up in the sky, they arent too far up there though, and I cannot see them whenever I TP to it? What's the problem?
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
Imran.Abbas - 31.10.2009
Did you put under
public OnGameModeInit()
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
Peter_Corneile - 31.10.2009
They take time to load , so make a Freeze Timer when you TP to the objects
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
gemadon - 03.11.2009
Originally Posted by _EminEm_
Did you put under
public OnGameModeInit()
Yes I did, and to the second poster: okay, I will try that.
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
gemadon - 03.11.2009
No, it still isnt working even with the timer =|
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
Sergei - 03.11.2009
Are you sure you are teleporting to the right position?
Originally Posted by ►Peter Corneile◄ [
They take time to load , so make a Freeze Timer when you TP to the objects
That is true only for streamed objects since you can teleport there between streaming interval and they won't be created. Static objects are always there.
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
gemadon - 03.11.2009
Originally Posted by $ЂЯĢ
Are you sure you are teleporting to the right position?
Originally Posted by ►Peter Corneile◄ [
They take time to load , so make a Freeze Timer when you TP to the objects
That is true only for streamed objects since you can teleport there between streaming interval and they won't be created. Static objects are always there.
Well, I made it so it teleports to the first object's X,Y,Z coords . . . 2191.03125, -1728.181640625, 374.326171875
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
Peter_Corneile - 03.11.2009
Originally Posted by gemadon
Originally Posted by $ЂЯĢ
Are you sure you are teleporting to the right position?
Originally Posted by ►Peter Corneile◄ [
They take time to load , so make a Freeze Timer when you TP to the objects
That is true only for streamed objects since you can teleport there between streaming interval and they won't be created. Static objects are always there.
Well, I made it so it teleports to the first object's X,Y,Z coords . . . 2191.03125, -1728.181640625, 374.326171875
So maybe you should increase "Z" float a bit in the teleport command
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
gemadon - 03.11.2009
Tried increasing the Z coord, still did not work, I even tried putting it underground, but I still cannot see it =| This is getting frustrating.
Re: Cannot see objects when converted from MTA? -
Peter_Corneile - 03.11.2009
Originally Posted by gemadon
Tried increasing the Z coord, still did not work, I even tried putting it underground, but I still cannot see it =| This is getting frustrating.
How many of total objects do you have ?