PickUps - Printable Version
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PickUps -
Stas92 - 30.10.2009
Hey Guys,
Since update my server to r2 (and now r3) I've got some problems with the Pickups. I am adding them with "CreatePickup" with type "23" and vw "-1".
I can't describe the problem, because I don't exactly know it. Sometime the pickups aren't created, sometimes when I enter them the getting removed, sometimes them respawn - sometimes they don't.
Is it my mistake?
Re: PickUps -
Mikep. - 30.10.2009
Are we meant to guess?
Post your code...
Re: PickUps -
Stas92 - 30.10.2009
Example (1 of 369 PickUps): CreatePickup(371,23,312.6138, 1020.7346,1950.6655,-1);
Noticed that on my HomeServer it runs perfect, the problem is only on the root (windows, like my homeserver)
Re: PickUps -
Stas92 - 30.10.2009
Re: PickUps -
Peter_Corneile - 31.10.2009
Use Pickup type 1 and it wont disappear at all
Re: PickUps -
Stas92 - 01.11.2009
Don't work
Re: PickUps -
Stas92 - 12.11.2009
Problem not solved ... please give me some support ...