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[FilterScript] [FS]AdminCheats - Printable Version

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[FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 30.10.2009

AdminCheats filterscript by Kurence
-Added /superman command - Superman FS by Tannz0rz ([FS] Superman)
-Added megajump for bigger jumps
Renamed teleports command(/teleports) because some servers already has that command - new command is /cheatports
I have added new car functions - flip and nitro - flip will be helpful when your car is upside down
-And teleports- To LV,SF,LS... in every big city 2 places
v1.0 - fixed few bugs (TextDraw) and added Change max speed value in main menu(changes max speed in speedhack)
On foot airbreak and in car airbreak-I have released them before, Superman FS by Tannz0rz
-Airbreak -on foot/in car
-cars-Repairing car, spawning car... Every admin can have only 1 vehicle
-weapons- No reload mode - Fire key must be pressed repeatedly and getweapon will give you any weapon you want
-Speedhack - Your X and Y vehicle velocity *1.3 when fire key is pressed(and speedhack activated)
-Jetpack- gives you jetpack
-God mode- infinite health
-On top of your screen will be TextDraw if you are admin.Green text-Activated,white text-Deactivated
-/cheats will show Dialog but everything can be called with COMMANDS too:
/superman-superman mode (by Tannz0rz)
/carhax-menu with car functions
/expoflight-on foot airbreak
/airbreak-in car airbreak
/weapons - weapon menu
/cheatports - teleport menu
AdminCheats.rar(old version, without superman mod)
AdminCheats.rar(new version, with superman mod)
Thanks to Tannz0rz for his Superman FS
[FS] Superman

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - MB@ - 30.10.2009

Wow Nice

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Pawno_Master - 30.10.2009

N1 especially no reload and speedhack

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 30.10.2009

Originally Posted by Krys^
Wow Nice
Originally Posted by ekeleke
N1 especially no reload and speedhack
Originally Posted by nuriel6633
Rofl... i have just tryed no reload with rocket launcher... for some reason other players see me firing normal... that is so sad

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - SamSam - 30.10.2009

Good work!!!

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - JustinSton - 30.10.2009

very nice

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 31.10.2009

I have added Flip car and Nitro in car dialog and few teleports

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 01.11.2009

I have renamed /teleports command to /cheatports because some servers have already that command.
Fixed /airbreak can't be deactivated with command when you have activated it.
And fixed little bug with TextDraws. So if you are using the old one re-download it

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - sergey_479 - 01.11.2009


Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Ritchie999 - 01.11.2009

wont the on-foot airbreak cause lag for other players standing by?

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Luka P. - 01.11.2009


Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 02.11.2009

Originally Posted by Ritchie999
wont the on-foot airbreak cause lag for other players standing by?
Version before it was in OnPlayerUpdate - i was testing it with few players on free hosting bad ping server - server know player's position and he was creating explosions where he wanted it but other players see him standing on spawn place.
This version uses 100 ms timer - works good on that free hosting so if you are hosting your server at your home or you have got normal hosting then it will work OK... Maybe little lags but nothing big

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - [HUN]Woozie - 02.11.2009

This program is like a stole it, but great. nice work!

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 03.11.2009

Originally Posted by [HUN
Woozie ]

This program is like a stole it, but great. nice work!
I can assure you this is not stolen - i have created it i have released it.
(Maybe i was inspired by other scripts but it is 100% created by me... Ehm maybe the GetXYInFrontOfPlayer is copyed )

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - DokerJr - 03.11.2009


Re: [FS]AdminCheats - MarkusXXX - 04.11.2009

wow very nice 10/10 Points

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - RaFsTar - 04.11.2009

I think this kind of stuff is only for a Cheater Server ..

It make no sense the admins having that such of thing.

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 05.11.2009

I think cheater servers have on webpage 10 links to hacks-this is just for fun or maybe freeroam servers.
You can make it easyli for everyone by deleting "if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))"there.
And you don't have to use it.

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - sgvaibhav - 06.11.2009

is it possible to get flying cars for all the players?

Re: [FS]AdminCheats - Kurence - 06.11.2009

Originally Posted by sgvaibhav
is it possible to get flying cars for all the players?
Do you mean "speedhack"?
Yes it can just delete "if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)){" at begining of OnPlayerCommandText