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KEY_FIRE? - Printable Version

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KEY_FIRE? - (.Aztec); - 29.10.2009

Does detecting KEY_FIRE under OnPlayerKeyStateChange work properly? Because in my script, it's not functioning, I tried to debug it, and it seems as if it's not even detecting it correctly..

pawn Код:
else if ((newkeys & (KEY_FIRE)) == (KEY_FIRE))
          SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "works");
          if(bombplaced[playerid] == 1)
            if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 40)
              new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                new year, month,day;
                    getdate(year, month, day);
                    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
                CreateExplosion(Float:BombX[playerid], Float:BombY[playerid], Float:BombZ[playerid], 6, 10.0);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Your bomb has been detonated.");
                bombplaced[playerid] = 0;

Re: KEY_FIRE? - (.Aztec); - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by Seif_
else if (newkeys & KEY_FIRE)
Still isn't working, if I hold down the fire key, it should be spamming me to fuck, and it's not doing anything.

Re: KEY_FIRE? - (.Aztec); - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by Seif_
OnPlayerKeyStateChange only detects when you press a key, it won't work if you hold it. For holding, use a timer with GetPlayerKeys.
Not even working if I click, if it's actually detecting it correctly, it should say "works", but as I stated, it's not.

Re: KEY_FIRE? - MenaceX^ - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by Seif_
OnPlayerKeyStateChange only detects when you press a key, it won't work if you hold it. For holding, use a timer with GetPlayerKeys.
Or you both should read the explaination of ****** in wiki.

Re: KEY_FIRE? - dice7 - 29.10.2009

It gets called when you press and when you release a key

Re: KEY_FIRE? - Nero_3D - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky));
Originally Posted by Seif_
OnPlayerKeyStateChange only detects when you press a key, it won't work if you hold it. For holding, use a timer with GetPlayerKeys.
Not even working if I click, if it's actually detecting it correctly, it should say "works", but as I stated, it's not.
Then the problem isnt there, maybe some other if statment is preventing the execution of this one

Re: KEY_FIRE? - (.Aztec); - 29.10.2009

Seif already answered it for me, apparently I had my KEY_FIRE inside my KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK, thanks seif.

Originally Posted by ♣ ⓐⓢⓢ
Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky));
Originally Posted by Seif_
OnPlayerKeyStateChange only detects when you press a key, it won't work if you hold it. For holding, use a timer with GetPlayerKeys.
Not even working if I click, if it's actually detecting it correctly, it should say "works", but as I stated, it's not.
Then the problem isnt there, maybe some other if statment is preventing the execution of this one

Re: KEY_FIRE? - MenaceX^ - 29.10.2009

Why don't you just do
pawn Код:
  // code

Re: KEY_FIRE? - (.Aztec); - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Why don't you just do
pawn Код:
  // code
I am now... which is why it's working.

Re: KEY_FIRE? - MenaceX^ - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky));
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Why don't you just do
pawn Код:
  // code
I am now... which is why it's working.
I ain't sure if it's even possible, because you try to do bitwise and, and equal to..