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Vehicle model bug? - Printable Version

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Vehicle model bug? - -8oHd4N- - 29.10.2009

Hi, I found the error on 0.3 model vehicles. 0.2X had the 122 model and composition everything alright. After editing mode for 0.3 mi not more as the 115 model then I can not see texdraw fuel, speedometer, names of cars. in 0.3 to be unlimited models so why not? Please advice thanks. I apologize for mistakes eng

Re: Vehicle model bug? - V1ceC1ty - 29.10.2009

check you script, make sure its all correct and recompiled.

Re: Vehicle model bug? - -8oHd4N- - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by √№ceC№ty
check you script, make sure its all correct and recompiled.
script is correct for the 0.2X went alright. I think the problem in 0.3 texdraw for displaying for all models

Re: Vehicle model bug? - MPKaboose - 29.10.2009

recompile the script with the 0.3 includes

Re: Vehicle model bug? - -8oHd4N- - 29.10.2009

Originally Posted by ArcticFox
recompile the script with the 0.3 includes
everything I have in 0.3 include. try download from the car windows server vehiclelist of 0.2X. another model really does not work