[Help]Invisible Cars... -
Mowgli - 29.10.2009
I have added 3 Grove to my OnGameModeInit and for some reason these three cars are Invisible (they are thre but invisible...just like when u TP to a interior nd the car is invisible even though ur inside it...) i really cannot figure out what makes these cars different..
AddStaticVehicleEx(571,2287.5615,-2341.6433,12.8306,226.5350,-1,-1,60000); // other car
AddStaticVehicleEx(571,2299.6785,-2338.3186,12.8307,224.3563,-1,-1,60000); // other car
AddStaticVehicleEx(571,2295.3887,-2334.9448,12.8307,227.9102,-1,-1,60000); // other car
AddStaticVehicleEx(492,2502.7993,-1655.8413,13.2531,54.8949,86,86,60000); // grove car 1
AddStaticVehicleEx(492,2510.0884,-1666.7656,13.2611,187.9603,86,86,60000); // grove car 2
AddStaticVehicleEx(445,2506.8679,-1677.4666,13.3460,323.1912,86,86,60000); // grove car 3
you can see that my grove cars are no different from the other cars besieds the colors really.....
Re: Changing Car ID to Model ID -
Correlli - 29.10.2009
pawn Код:
vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
if(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 411) // infernus.
// your code.
Is this what you wanted?
Re: Changing Car ID to Model ID -
Mowgli - 29.10.2009
yeye, sorry bout this thread... i looked on samp wiki straight after posting it because i posted it then i thought.. 'hold on, samp wiki will have this function' lol..
so srry for waste of time of this thread and thanks for reply
Re: [Help]Invisible Cars... -
Mowgli - 29.10.2009
got a new question//
Re: [Help]Invisible Cars... -
Mowgli - 29.10.2009
i have tried placeing this in ongamemodeinit but it still does not work..
for(new c=0;c<CAR_AMOUNT;c++)
LinkVehicleToInterior(c, 0);
Re: [Help]Invisible Cars... -
Ritchie999 - 29.10.2009
Originally Posted by Mowgli
i have tried placeing this in ongamemodeinit but it still does not work..
for(new c=0;c<CAR_AMOUNT;c++)
LinkVehicleToInterior(c, 0);
please, feel free to modify your post before you make 2 more posts, one saying
New question//
why not just post the question in that post?
Re: [Help]Invisible Cars... -
Mowgli - 29.10.2009
it was cos i changed the first post, then i bumped it so people knew it was new...
anyway, this question is fixed now.. i just had to put it at the end of ongamemodeinit, because i had it at the start...