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For loop or OnRconLoginAttemp bug ? - Printable Version

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For loop or OnRconLoginAttemp bug ? - UsaBoy91 - 28.10.2009

pawn Код:
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
  //#if allow == true
  if(!success) //If the password was incorrect
    new playerip[16];
        print("OnRconLoginAttempt - Called ~");
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
      GetPlayerIp(i, playerip, sizeof(playerip));
      if(!strcmp(ip, playerip, true))
        SendClientMessage(i, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Wrong Password. Bye!");
        printf("FAILED RCON LOGIN BY IP %s USING PASSWORD %s !",ip, password);
    print("OnRconLoginAttempt - Called after ~ for loop ~");
  return 1;
I type /rcon login wrong_password , i got banned , but in server_log i recive 300 msg ( 300 = MAX_PLAYERS )

Re: For loop or OnRconLoginAttemp bug ? - Sergei - 28.10.2009

Try adding 'break;' after Ban(i)

Re: For loop or OnRconLoginAttemp bug ? - Daren_Jacobson - 28.10.2009

his fix would work, but it is probobly because if the player isn't connected GetPlayerIp doesn't put anything into playerip, meaning it equals what it used too.

Re: For loop or OnRconLoginAttemp bug ? - Sergei - 28.10.2009

Ah yes, IsPlayerConnected misses in your loop. Consider using foreach by the way

Re: For loop or OnRconLoginAttemp bug ? - MenaceX^ - 28.10.2009

Non logged players have as their IP, which cannot be compared that way.
Useless to add it.
Wiki: bad, it is the code from wiki, use break or return.