compile problem - Printable Version
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compile problem -
Hades4u - 27.10.2009
I all time get this error at compiling even if I didn't edit anything at that part..I just edited welcome messages like.. Welcome to Godfather edited to Welcome to Hades RPG..
[img width=1024 height=768][/img]
Please help...
Re: compile problem - [03]Garsino - 27.10.2009
Delete OnPlayerPrivMsg.
It was removed in 0.3.
If you need a PM function then check base.pwn in your filterscript folder.(0.3 one)
Re: compile problem -
Hades4u - 27.10.2009
thanks, you helped me 2 times, and 1 more problem...where is driving license place in godfather mod?
edit: what I need to delete at onplayerprivmsg?
because if i delete it, i get more errors
Re: compile problem -
Hades4u - 28.10.2009
Re: compile problem - [03]Garsino - 28.10.2009
Originally Posted by Hades4u
thanks, you helped me 2 times, and 1 more problem...where is driving license place in godfather mod?
edit: what I need to delete at onplayerprivmsg?
because if i delete it, i get more errors
"public OnPlayerPrivMsg" to the next public line(dont delete this public!)
Re: compile problem -
Hades4u - 28.10.2009
man your a genius!
