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Star in textdraw - Printable Version

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Star in textdraw - cmg4life - 27.10.2009

Is is possible to make a star in textdraw how u do in gametext ? And how to do a star in textdraw ?

Re: Star in textdraw - RyDeR` - 27.10.2009

Use [ ] in your text.

Re: Star in textdraw - cmg4life - 27.10.2009

tryed it displays as [ ]

Re: Star in textdraw - Karlip - 27.10.2009

Originally Posted by cmg4life
tryed it displays as [ ]
It only does it on certain fonts. (font 2, gametext style 2)

Re: Star in textdraw - cmg4life - 27.10.2009

thnx karlip

Re: Star in textdraw - cmg4life - 27.10.2009

sorry for x2, by mistake.