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Need help with loading multiple info from files [dini] - Printable Version

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Need help with loading multiple info from files [dini] - KuHS - 27.10.2009

Hello. I've hardly working on pawno, i know a lot of it, but there's one problem of that all. I don't know how to load a lot of info from specific files. Example i want to load cars and then spawn it: cars/***.ini - *** filename, and i want to load all players cars not just one example: Josh, Terry, so i will need function with for (foreach i don't remember), and load all files from that file and spawn all cars. In file there would be this info: owner, vehicleid... i know how to set up it, i just need loading them for each car in a file. Sorry for my bad english.

Re: Need help with loading multiple info from files [dini] - KuHS - 28.10.2009

Bump, anyone?

Re: Need help with loading multiple info from files [dini] - dice7 - 28.10.2009