Dialog List Help - Printable Version
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Dialog List Help -
Annihalation - 26.10.2009
Im making a new cellphone system for my server and my dialog list has all the different cellphone commands in it (call, phonebook, text message, ect.) and I was wondering if anyone knew the response ID for the Dialog list items (like "Item 1 \n item 2 \n")
I tried searching this, but I don't have permission to use the search tool O.o I have no idea why
thanks in advance
Re: Dialog List Help -
Joe Staff - 26.10.2009
Originally Posted by Annihalation
I tried searching this, but I don't have permission to use the search tool
That's starting to sound like an excuse for people to post questions, lol.
"response" is either 1 (left button) or 0 (right button). The items on a list are reflected on "listitem" under OnDialogResponse. I prefer to use strcmp on the "inputtext" which will be the row that the player selected, but in a string. Example: player choose "phonebook", strcmp(inputtext,"phonebook",true,9)==0
Re: Dialog List Help -
Annihalation - 26.10.2009
so if it looks like this in the game:
Text message
would it be like
Text returns Listitem
Call returns 0
Txt returns 1
Phonebk. returns 2
Is that how it would work?
On a side note- why cant I use the search engine? D: