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How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - Printable Version

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How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - FlyingCats - 24.10.2009

From readme.txt in the vehicles folder in scriptfiles it says this:

The base vehicle list has been added to the 0.2X server distribution
for anyone that may have current use for them.

The following people have contributed to the SA-MP base vehicle list :-


bone.txt 	: Simon			: 1.2
flint.txt 	: kenny01		: 1.4
lv_airport.txt	: Alex			: 1.1
lv_law.txt	: damospiderman		: 1.4
lv_gen.txt	: damospiderman		: 1.5
whetstone.txt	: Wacko			: 1.2
sf_gen.txt	: dugi			: 2.6
sf_airport.txt	: dugi			: 1.4
sf_law.txt	: dugi			: 1.9
tierra.txt	: Kye 			: 1.2
red_county.txt	: Trix			: 1.2
ls_law.txt	: jax 			: 1.1
ls_gen_inner.txt: jax 			: 1.3
ls_gen_outer.txt: jax 			: 1.3
ls_airport.txt	: jax 			: 1.0


Below is a useful function for loading static vehicles from a desired file :-

Example calling from your OnGameModeInit() callback:


new total_vehicles_from_files=0;

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehiclelists/bone.txt");
total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehiclelists/flint.txt");
total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehiclelists/tierra.txt");


LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile(const filename[])
	new File:file_ptr;
	new line[256];
	new var_from_line[64];
	new vehicletype;
	new Float:SpawnX;
	new Float:SpawnY;
	new Float:SpawnZ;
	new Float:SpawnRot;
  	new Color1, Color2;
	new index;
	new vehicles_loaded;
	file_ptr = fopen(filename,filemode:io_read);
	if(!file_ptr) return 0;
	vehicles_loaded = 0;

	while(fread(file_ptr,line,256) > 0)
	  index = 0;
	  // Read type
 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		vehicletype = strval(var_from_line);
  		if(vehicletype < 400 || vehicletype > 611) continue;
 		// Read X, Y, Z, Rotation
 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnX = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnY = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnZ = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnRot = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		// Read Color1, Color2
 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		Color1 = strval(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,';',index+1);
 		Color2 = strval(var_from_line);

	printf("Loaded %d vehicles from: %s",vehicles_loaded,filename);
	return vehicles_loaded;


// Tokenise by a delimiter
// Return string and index of the end determined by the
// provided delimiter in delim
token_by_delim(const string[], return_str[], delim, start_index)
	new x=0;
	while(string[start_index] != EOS && string[start_index] != delim) {
	  return_str[x] = string[start_index];
	return_str[x] = EOS;
	if(string[start_index] == EOS) start_index = (-1);
	return start_index;

For about 2 days i've been figuring out how to use this, maybe someone knows?

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - FlyingCats - 24.10.2009

Well can someone help i never get replies jesus christ...

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - Smokey619 - 25.10.2009

ok well put this on
total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehiclelists/ls_gen_inner.txt");
	total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehiclelists/ls_gen_outer.txt");
	total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehiclelists/ls_airport.txt");
any where on your script and for the files you want to choose replace any or addmore like the one that says ls_airport.txt

LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile(const filename[])
	new File:file_ptr;
	new line[256];
	new var_from_line[64];
	new vehicletype;
	new Float:SpawnX;
	new Float:SpawnY;
	new Float:SpawnZ;
	new Float:SpawnRot;
	new Color1, Color2;
	new index;
	new vehicles_loaded;

	file_ptr = fopen(filename,filemode:io_read);
	if(!file_ptr) return 0;

	vehicles_loaded = 0;

	while(fread(file_ptr,line,256) > 0)
	  index = 0;

	  // Read type
 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		vehicletype = strval(var_from_line);
  		if(vehicletype < 400 || vehicletype > 611) continue;

 		// Read X, Y, Z, Rotation
 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnX = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnY = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnZ = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		SpawnRot = floatstr(var_from_line);

 		// Read Color1, Color2
 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
 		if(index == (-1)) continue;
 		Color1 = strval(var_from_line);

 		index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,';',index+1);
 		Color2 = strval(var_from_line);




	printf("Loaded %d vehicles from: %s",vehicles_loaded,filename);
	return vehicles_loaded;
// Tokenise by a delimiter
// Return string and index of the end determined by the
// provided delimiter in delim
token_by_delim(const string[], return_str[], delim, start_index)
	new x=0;
	while(string[start_index] != EOS && string[start_index] != delim) {
	  return_str[x] = string[start_index];
	return_str[x] = EOS;
	if(string[start_index] == EOS) start_index = (-1);
	return start_index;

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - yom - 25.10.2009

In case you haven't noticed, there is no more "vehiclelists" folder in the scriptfiles folder. That is maybe your problem.

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - Smokey619 - 25.10.2009

in 2.0 their is i dont know about 3.0

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - Adamrcook - 25.10.2009

Originally Posted by Smokey619
in 2.0 their is i dont know about 3.0
You mean 0.2x and 0.3a

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - rannyere - 23.11.2009


Well I've got this doubt, but do not know how to use this system I put tell where each code, because I want to add these files algus car ready.
Excuse me, ****** translator.
Did not want to revive the topic but was the alternative.

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - Kerlan - 08.10.2011

Dies this work?

Re: How do you use the command LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile? - FireCat - 08.10.2011

Originally Posted by Kerlan
View Post
Dies this work?
You just bumped like a 2-3 year old topic!