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Timer Issue - Printable Version

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Timer Issue - Adamrcook - 20.10.2009

I'm creating a script that switches "rounds" within the gamemode. Whenever the server detects one
person left in a vehicle it sets a timer to SetTimerEx("OnRoundEnd", 2000, false, "playerid"); yet the
stuff in OnRoundEnd only applies to ID 0 for some reason.

Re: Timer Issue - silentkillerjoe - 20.10.2009

Can you show the code?

Re: Timer Issue - Balon - 20.10.2009

pawn Код:
SetTimerEx(funcname[], interval, repeating, const format[], {Float,_}:...)

Re: Timer Issue - Zeex - 20.10.2009

pawn Код:
SetTimerEx("OnRoundEnd", 2000, false, "i", playerid);