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[HELP]SetPlayerSkillLevel! - Printable Version

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[HELP]SetPlayerSkillLevel! - [NYRP]Mike. - 19.10.2009

Hey guys i was wondering if i could get a command like:

/setskill [playerid] [weaponid] [level]

here is my Enum:

enum pInfo
pSkillLvl, -- what i want to save
new PlayerInfo[playerid][pInfo];

so like: /setskill [playerid] 22(Colt) 1 - 1 hand it.

Thanks guys, also my admin system is Playerinfo[playerid][pAdmin] == 5)


Re: [HELP]SetPlayerSkillLevel! - Jason_Borne420 - 19.10.2009

Yea you can do something like that, but ive had this problem too...

SA-MP wiki says to use it like this
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
  SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, WEAPONSKILL_SAWNOFF_SHOTGUN, 200); //This will make them use single-handed sawnoff shotguns.
  return 1;
When you do that it makes them 1 handed... And it says to set it to 999 (or higher will max it out)

But... when i do this.... (on a command or anywhere)

  SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, WEAPONSKILL_SAWNOFF_SHOTGUN, 999); 
  return 1;
The player still has 1 handed gun.... Anyone help ??