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[Weird][Bug]IsPlayerLAdmin - Printable Version

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[Weird][Bug]IsPlayerLAdmin - Tigerbeast11 - 17.10.2009

When i do...
#incldue <IsPlayerLAdmin>
It gives me a error saying... Symbol is never used "ret_memcpy"

WTF does that mean? I never seen that message before! Plz help me or post here if you have seen this Message/Bug before!

Note: When i delete that line, i get no error. If you know what this is, plz post here...

Re: [Weird]IsPlayerLAdmin - Eazy_Efolife - 17.10.2009

Put this somewhere below your includes (Search Next Time);

#pragma unused ret_memcpy

Re: [Weird][Bug]IsPlayerLAdmin - Tigerbeast11 - 17.10.2009

Thnx, before, i was just doing #unused ret_memcpy