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VoteKick Help - Printable Version

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VoteKick Help - sant - 17.10.2009

ok, so I've been making a votekick command for my server and i don't know where to put

if(VoteKick[playerid] == MAX_VOTEKICK)
  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You have been voted to be kciked 5 times");

Re: VoteKick Help - calanda - 17.10.2009

Originally Posted by sant
ok, so I've been making a votekick command for my server and i don't know where to put
You have been voted to be kciked 5 times"
first, learn how to spell kicked. second. there has to be more code than this. for the votekick. like if(strcmp blah blah. with the /votekick [id/name] thing.

Re: VoteKick Help - virspector - 17.10.2009

I think there should be a timer that if in 30 second, there already 5 votes, the player will be kicked.
Or, in OnPlayerCommandText under strcmp("/votekick" thing....