[FS] Tuned Cars -
Darkcha0s - 19.08.2007
Just a very simple little script, that on command, spawns a tuned car.
Works great for fool around servers, aswell as any others!
For help type /tcars.
Current version: 0.1
Should be bug free as far as I know, but if you find one, let me know!
Download link
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
plane - 19.08.2007
can u fix that when a car come on the roof it explodes?
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
BigJayMalcolm - 19.08.2007
Very Good, Saves me some time.
I have one suggestion, If possible make the cars spawn like /v infront of you not so you are in it straight away.
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
Darkcha0s - 19.08.2007
Yep, will work on that for the next release! :P
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
BigJayMalcolm - 19.08.2007
Great thanks, apart from that its a great Filterscript.
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
BigJayMalcolm - 19.08.2007
Sorry for the Double Post, but i found aBug while driving.
When you are in any Car, and spawn a tuned car, you automatically swap drivers to the tuned one, BUT, the camera stays on the original car, So you can drive off and leave the camera behind.
Its probably not fixable until the /v-style spawning is Done.
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
Darkcha0s - 19.08.2007
*edit found 2 bugs in total
Found a solution to both! Release later today
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
BigJayMalcolm - 19.08.2007
This FS plays a BIG part in my Gamemode, you will be sure to get a Big Thankyou in the credits.
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
UGPsychoIOU - 21.08.2007
can it be made to charge certain amounts of cash for different cars?
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
lesturb - 22.08.2007
when i load this filterscript . it blocks like commands or text that should be showed
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
Spilot - 22.08.2007
Thx, that helpd too much, now i can tune my cars without gta crash
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
White - 10.01.2008
truely... When i'm load this fs, other console commands becomes unavailable =(
p.s. GM = GTO
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
White - 10.01.2008
hmmm... shit happenz =)
Try to compile with return = 0
#include <a_samp>
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/telegy", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float:Angle, carid;
carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
carid = CreateVehicle(562,X,Y,Z,Angle,-1,-1,600);
return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x40FF40FF, "Tuned elegy has been spawned!");
return 0;
Bug with console-blocking disappears O_o
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
Freestyler - 10.01.2008
Nice ,now with return 0 works perfect
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
Fer - 29.05.2009
Looks nice
I gonna try this out
Re: [FS] Tuned Cars -
Ignas1337 - 29.05.2009
great fs. thank you