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7 noob questions. - Printable Version

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7 noob questions. - Sal_Kings - 11.10.2009

I am new to scripting, i need a little help please, thanks.

1. Where is the X Y Z here? NOT ANSWERED.
AddPlayerClass(0,1699.7642,-1170.2577,23.8281,5.2327,0,0,0,0,0,0); //
2. How do i add a icon to a certain position with the above X Y Z? NOT ANSWERED.

3. How do i make it so, you have to be in a certain spot to type a command? NOT ANSWERED.

4. How do i make it so, once you are in a certain X Y Z, it changes your interior? NOT ANSWERED.

5. How do i put a icon inside a interior? I don't have any access to a interior i want on debug. NOT ANSWERED.

6. How do i make it so, once you are in a certain X Y Z it changes your X Y Z? NOT ANSWERED.

7. What do i type to spawn a helicopter on debug? NOT ANSWERED.

Re: 6 noob questions. - Mowgli - 11.10.2009

samp wiki

Re: 7 noob questions. - [XST]O_x - 11.10.2009

1.Here is how

2.Here is how

3.Here is how

4.Here is how

5.Here is how

6.Here is how

7.Here is how

Re: 7 noob questions. - Sal_Kings - 11.10.2009

Originally Posted by ►ϻozilla Fir3foж◄
The damn wiki does not say everything.

Re: 7 noob questions. - [XST]O_x - 11.10.2009

Originally Posted by Sal_Kings
Originally Posted by ►ϻozilla Fir3foж◄
The damn wiki does not say everything.
Yes it is.
That's what it made for.

Re: 7 noob questions. - Correlli - 11.10.2009

Originally Posted by Sal_Kings
The damn wiki does not say everything.

Re: 7 noob questions. - Lewwy - 11.10.2009

Yo Sal_Kings, I'm real happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Wiki has some of the best answers of all time.

Re: 7 noob questions. - Laito - 11.10.2009

like bullhit

Re: 7 noob questions. - [03]Garsino - 11.10.2009

1. Where is the X Y Z here?
AddPlayerClass(0,1699.7642,-1170.2577,23.8281,5.2327,0,0,0,0,0,0); //

Answer: 1699.7642,-1170.2577,23.8281

************************************************** ***************
7. What do i type to spawn a helicopter on debug? NOT ANSWERED.

/v Maverick /v hunter etc. /v <Name/vehicle ID>

Re: 7 noob questions. - Danikov - 11.10.2009

Make sure when you click SA-MP Debug Icon Click Lunch Debug and not Connect LocalHost Cause in LocalHost it will say to you unknown command.