Object Problem... - Printable Version
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Object Problem... -
Puzi - 09.10.2009
Hey there,
I hope you can help me since I can't figure out the problem.
I have made a map in MTA Race Map Editor, Other objects on the map work fine but one part of the road is just GONE!

Other objects work, load a bit slow, but they work, and the road bit works in MTA Race Map Editor, and I can't figure why. Any ideas? I would appreciate the help a lot

I have also checked the lines in PAWNO gamemode, they seem to be correct, so I really don't know the problem :S
Thanks and Regards
Re: Object Problem... -
SpiderPork - 09.10.2009
Object limit?
Re: Object Problem... -
Puzi - 09.10.2009
Not really, I am using a streamer.
Re: Object Problem... -
Puzi - 10.10.2009
Please help...
Re: Object Problem... -
SlashPT - 10.10.2009
i think its the Draw-Distance put for example 150
Re: Object Problem... -
Puzi - 10.10.2009
I'll try but it doesn't work for any of the players, its only one object missing, the part of the road, you can see the trees that should be on the road, they are spawned in air, because road isnt there. Maybe the road (as object) is buggy?