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French part of the forum - Printable Version

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Re: French part of the forum - Konverse - 18.11.2015

Originally Posted by Vukilore
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it was nothing to do with ISIS and shits, dutch section was removed too.
That depends if they're still talking about it, that way the particular language section should be removed due to it's nuisance and spamming.

Re: French part of the forum - AlexBlack - 19.11.2015

Tout a fait Vuki

Re: French part of the forum - Dutheil - 19.11.2015

Videz le cache et les cookies !

Re: French part of the forum - xNowZ - 19.11.2015

Non ! Les cookies tu me les donnes !
J'aime bien les cookies !

Re: French part of the forum - Sew_Sumi - 19.11.2015

I actually think the French have more active on here, than the English speakers...

I _REALLY_ don't think this was a wise idea.

Re: French part of the forum - xNowZ - 19.11.2015

En mкme pas 48h
Check !

Re: French part of the forum - Hip-hop - 19.11.2015

C'est quand il veulent pour la redirection ? Je doute qu'il le fasse car les allemands avaient une redirection а l'йpoque et lа plus rien.

Re: French part of the forum - xNowZ - 19.11.2015

Ouais car le forum allemand est fermй lui, pour зa qu'ils ont jartй la redirection

Re: French part of the forum - Private200 - 19.11.2015

-. removed .-

Good luck with the new forums. Just saw French board is removed completely and added into the archives.

Re: French part of the forum - cristab - 20.11.2015

thank you

Re: French part of the forum - Shepard47 - 20.11.2015

Je ne reзois pas le mail de confirmation...

Re: French part of the forum - AlexBlack - 20.11.2015

Y'a pas a ce que sache.

Re: French part of the forum - joevinusa - 20.11.2015

C'est vraiment dommage.. зa en aidait plus d'un, зa leur coыtait quoi ?

Re: French part of the forum - cristab - 20.11.2015

Originally Posted by Shepard47
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Je ne reзois pas le mail de confirmation...
Je regarde sa
Mail renvoyer regarde dans ta boite spam

Re: French part of the forum - YouServ - 20.11.2015

Impossible de me connecter au forum, la page se raffraichit quand j'entre mon mot de passe & mon username mais rien ne s'affiche, je suis ni connectй et j'ai aucune erreur.

Re: French part of the forum - AceK - 20.11.2015

Originally Posted by YouServ
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Impossible de me connecter au forum, la page se raffraichit quand j'entre mon mot de passe & mon username mais rien ne s'affiche, je suis ni connectй et j'ai aucune erreur.
Te te connectes bien via ce lien ?

Supprime tes cookies si cela ne marche pas via ce lien, et retente.

Re: French part of the forum - YouServ - 20.11.2015

good merci

Re: French part of the forum - Ashgard - 20.11.2015

N'importe quoi

Re: French part of the forum - HeLiOn_PrImE - 21.11.2015

OK I have to ask you guys. You now have your place and I'm glad for you, but is there an official reason yet for taking down your board? I want to prevent the romanian board from having the same fate, so the more I know, the better.

Re: French part of the forum - Crayder - 21.11.2015

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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OK I have to ask you guys. You now have your place and I'm glad for you, but is there an official reason yet for taking down your board? I want to prevent the romanian board from having the same fate, so the more I know, the better.
The French board wasn't the only one to be taken down by the way.