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Respuesta: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 26.01.2013

  1. Decompress 'Resources.rar' somewhere (does not matter if it's the same folder of 'Scripting Machine.exe' or not).
  2. Open Scripting Machine>Options>EditorOptions>Advanced>Images and select From folder.
    • Skins: "resources_path\Resources\Skin_{0}.png"
    • Vehicles: "resources_path\Resources\Vehicle_{0}.png"
    • Weapons: "resources_path\Resources\Weapon_{0}.png"
    • Map Icons: "resources_path\Resources\MapIcon_{0}.png"
    • Sprites: "resources_path\Resources\Sprite_{0}.png"

Re : Scripting Machine - DaTa[X] - 05.03.2013

Why Scripting machine cannot read this include

Respuesta: Re : Scripting Machine - Dreyfuz - 05.03.2013

Originally Posted by DaTa[X]
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Why Scripting machine cannot read this include
place the inc in "C:\...\Scripting Machine\Include\"

Respuesta: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 06.03.2013

Originally Posted by Dreyfuz
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I wonder: When you take out the next version.??
It's actually harder to answer that due the fact that I'm porting the hole project to WPF and many changes must be done in order to get it working properly. An other major change is the fact of the model I'll use (MVVM and I'm still learning about this).

Re: Scripting Machine - rangerxxll - 06.03.2013

Just curious. What's WPF?

Respuesta: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 07.03.2013

It's a Microsoft programing language that allow the programmer to have more control of the controls, and separete the controls from the data in a very nice way. You may find interesting: msdn (WPF)

Re: Scripting Machine - rangerxxll - 07.03.2013

Would this only enhance the flexibility of the program for the programmer, or the actual user? It does seem interesting.

Respuesta: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 08.03.2013

It's better for both, but speccialy for the programmer. It's works like a charm with the MVVM pattern (I'm still trying to apply it as I'm learning it).

Re: Scripting Machine - rangerxxll - 11.03.2013

I see, Best of luck.

Re: Scripting Machine - Maxips2 - 16.03.2013

Is there any way to disable that feature which folds your scopes?

Re: Scripting Machine - #HfV32 - 16.03.2013

It seems to be quite useful and operative!

Respuesta: Re: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 17.03.2013

Originally Posted by Maxips2
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Is there any way to disable that feature which folds your scopes?
This feature is already implemented on the new version I'm working, but as I sed before it's quite hard to get all working properly with some new features I'm trying to introduce.

Re: Scripting Machine - ghzspark - 17.03.2013

looking great, thanks

Re: Scripting Machine - burnfire - 18.03.2013

That's an amaising thing.1000000/100.So,I recomand with all my trust this program.The original Pawno has some bugs that angry me ,but,you resolve that bugs.Thx

Re: Scripting Machine - iFear - 21.03.2013

Nice work chaoz

Re: Scripting Machine - Dark Killer - 29.03.2013

dude i downloaded it from wiki now when i run it nothing comes up

Re: Scripting Machine - Raza2013 - 24.04.2013

Originally Posted by Yamoo
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Nice stuff man, I won't personally use it but I'm sure plenty of other people would.

Have some rep.
ehmehm Excuse Me Too Many Peoples Need a Easy Script Machine To Work Quick

Re: Scripting Machine - Pooh7 - 11.05.2013

It doesn't create .amx file. Blank script - no errors and no .amx file.

Another thing, IDK how it happend, but it deleted the whole content of a script and saved it - empty.

Respuesta: Re: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 11.05.2013

Originally Posted by Pooh7
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It doesn't create .amx file. Blank script - no errors and no .amx file.

Another thing, IDK how it happend, but it deleted the whole content of a script and saved it - empty.
About the .amx check on the Scripting Machine source folder, it's a bug that some people have (while some other's don't) and I didn't fix it yet (Still working on a much better version of this app with design patterns and some cool stuff to make it much better, so please be pattient).

About the saving an empty script I've never seen that bug before. Could you please explain me how did you save the script please?

Re: Scripting Machine - Pooh7 - 11.05.2013

Yes, files are in the Scripting Machine's root folder, I looked into Scripts and Includes folders, but didn't notice it in the root.

About this deleting issue, I'm really unsure about it, as I didn't pay too much attention on what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure I didn't delete it, it was somehow deleted by the app or something. The only thing I know is that I had opened the same file twice (had it in 2 tabs). I'll see if I can reproduce that behavior again and report back if successful.

Anyway, looking forward to the new version. Any ETA?