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SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Printable Version

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Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Donya - 29.07.2011

Originally Posted by kacper55331
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You could enlarge the limit of '~color~' in textdraw's? After about 15 client gets crash.

Sorry for my language.
I don't think this is true, you can use as many colours as you want in a textdraw once the string limit does not hit over 256

Once you use ONE colour, the string limit is 256 otherwise if no colours are used, the string limit is 1024 s:

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - kacper55331 - 29.07.2011

I made once textdraw, which were collected data from MySQL.
After 7 records (and colors) was getting just crash.
When I deleted the colors there have up to 12

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - TheStudioSamp - 29.07.2011

It's not because of the number of colors. I have textdraw, which has about 30 characters and each letter has a different color, it works normally.

As if what, apologized for my poor english.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - FANEX - 29.07.2011

Originally Posted by palesz_88
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I hope tomorrow we got a new update!
I hope no! It's f-king enough man . Too much updates... I know it's good, but when you do an update, do it for a while and give as a lot of new possibilities, not just fixing some bugs and release it(ok, fix bugs but add news, otherwise...).
So, every people must change their "executables" every day?
I hope SA-MP Team will make a stable version that will resist a couple of months, like previous version: 0.3c R2-2
However, I don't want to offend Kalcor, I love what he does!

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - kacper55331 - 29.07.2011

I tried with this code:
public ShowPlayerItems(playerid, page)
	if(page == -10) return CallLocalFunction("ShowPlayerItems", "dd", playerid, 0) & GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~~<~Don't find a page", 3000, 3);
	new list_item[356];
	new str[126];
	new zmienna = 0;
	format(str, 356, "SELECT `iUid` FROM `1items` WHERE `iBelongTo`=0 AND `iPlace`=1 AND `iOwner`=%d LIMIT %d, 10", PlayerInfo[playerid][player_uid], page);
	if(!mysql_num_rows()) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Don't find a page~>~", 3000, 3) & mysql_free_result();
	while(mysql_fetch_row_format(str, "|"))
	    new i = strval(str);
		Przedmiot[playerid][zmienna] = i;
		if(ItemData[i][iType] == ITEM_WEAPON) format(list_item, sizeof(list_item), "%s~p~%d %s- %s (%d ammo)~n~", list_item, zmienna, UseItem(i), ItemData[i][iName], ItemData[i][iValue2]);
		else if(ItemData[i][iType] == ITEM_PHONE) format(list_item, sizeof(list_item), "%s~p~%d %s- %s (%d)~n~", list_item, zmienna, UseItem(i), ItemData[i][iName], ItemData[i][iValue1]);
		else format(list_item, sizeof(list_item), "%s~p~%d %s- %s~n~", list_item, zmienna, UseItem(i), ItemData[i][iName]);
	TextDrawSetString(przed[playerid], list_item);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, przed[playerid]);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, p2);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, p4);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "TD", 1);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "td-page", page);
	return 1;
It's old script.
Do not look for alignment/optimality.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Sasino97 - 29.07.2011

With the update, my /v or /veh command doesn't work anymore.
It says:

SERVER: Unknown Command.

but at the end there isn't return 0; at the end of OnPlayerCommandText there is return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Unknown Command");

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - kLx - 01.08.2011

We wait a year, a ba bam - few new server side functions. NICE JOB KALCOR AS ALWAYS ..NOT

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Mean - 03.08.2011

Originally Posted by Pedro_Doc
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No, R7 is still not out there if I recall.

Also this webpage is a fail, it should be, not PAWNO. PAWNO and PAWN are two different things.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Calgon - 03.08.2011

Originally Posted by Mean
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No, R7 is still not out there if I recall.

Also this webpage is a fail, it should be, not PAWNO. PAWNO and PAWN are two different things.
Web page != Website domain.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Inverse - 03.08.2011

The new callbacks and natives are awesome.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Riddick94 - 03.08.2011

Awesome job Kalcor! but i have suggestion for you (i hope it'll be not deleted :>) is this possibly for you make:
pawn Код:
native TextDrawFadeInOut(Text:text, fade, time);
? i know it's scriptable because i have scripted it already but it's not the same like it is in Single Player. Can you make this as function? please

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - DaKill - 03.08.2011

Originally Posted by Pedro_Doc
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This is RC7 (testing release), not R7.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - davve95 - 03.08.2011

Where can I find the update (Not to servers) ??

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Calgon - 03.08.2011

Originally Posted by davve95
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Where can I find the update (Not to servers) ??
There's no client update, this is only a server update...

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - JonathanFeitosa - 03.08.2011

GetPlayerSurfingObjectID is OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate How does it work?

I tested GetPlayerSurfingObjectID is turned up nothing.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - AirKite - 04.08.2011

Originally Posted by Jonathan_Feitosa
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I tested GetPlayerSurfingObjectID is turned up nothing.
Need stay on global created object with original(no streamer) function CreateObject

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - mishasoni - 05.08.2011

Look great!

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Collin - 10.08.2011

Thanks much "SAMP" for the updated, my server was having problems with everyone when they entered the server they crashed! Thanks Much, its now fixed!

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - SchurmanCQC - 10.08.2011

Originally Posted by Kar
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Adding to what Garsino said ^^, maybe R6 has some unstable stuff, so they need one of the bigger / high player-base server's to test it :P
That makes no sense whatsoever.

If it's unstable, why would they test it on a server with a huge playerbase and risk it all?

Originally Posted by Diablosrouge
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Is there going to be a potential fix for the reload bug issue on R5/R6 or do we have to wait half an year to get 0.4 with that bug fixed? OR, do we have to go back to 0.3b to actually be able to play DeathMatch decently?
This one is clearly urgent and has been reported for months.

Let me remind u some of us DMers have reported that FPS bug and it got fixed on the next "Release (R3)" and it turned out pretty good. Can't u fix this one too asap?
Why do you keep asking this? You've made countless threads about it.

Re: SA-MP 0.3c R3/R4/R5 server update - Kar - 10.08.2011

Originally Posted by Schurman
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That makes no sense whatsoever.

If it's unstable, why would they test it on a server with a huge playerbase and risk it all?

Why do you keep asking this? You've made countless threads about it.
To test it!, and risk what? I believe if any of those servers even shut down for a week, by the time they re-open they'll be almost / full again.

It's almost the same as a public beta... if you think of it in a way..