Re: Useful Functions -
RyDeR` - 02.03.2012
DarkScripter, remove the space in the macro and consider adding brackets.
Re: Respuesta: Useful Functions -
iPLEOMAX - 02.03.2012
Originally Posted by Kar
RyDeR` or anyone thinking of improving this function?
I don't think it can be accurate without knowing a player's FOV or Resolution.. :/
AW: Re: Useful Functions -
Steamator - 06.03.2012
Originally Posted by CyNiC
Some time ago I was searching for convert timestamp to date and the only way that I found was use a plugin.
I found this on Pawn source, I think that it can be useful to someone else(be aware of your time zone).
pawn Код:
stock timestamptodate(sec1970,&year=0,&month=0,&day=0,&hour=0,&minute=0,&second=0) //By CompuPhase { #define SECONDS_PER_MINUTE 60 #define SECONDS_PER_HOUR 3600 #define SECONDS_PER_DAY 86400 #define SECONDS_PER_YEAR 31556952 /* based on 365.2425 days per year */ new monthdays[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; new days, seconds;
/* find the year */ for (year = 1970; ; year += 1) { days = 365 + _:((year & 0x03) == 0); /* clumsy "leap-year" routine, fails for 2100 */ seconds = days * SECONDS_PER_DAY; if (seconds > sec1970) break; sec1970 -= seconds; } /* if */
/* find the month */ for (month = 1; ; month += 1) { days = monthdays[month - 1]; seconds = days * SECONDS_PER_DAY; if (seconds > sec1970) break; sec1970 -= seconds; } /* if */
/* find the day */ for (day = 1; sec1970 >= SECONDS_PER_DAY; day += 1) sec1970 -= SECONDS_PER_DAY;
/* find the hour */ for (hour = 0; sec1970 >= SECONDS_PER_HOUR; hour += 1) sec1970 -= SECONDS_PER_HOUR;
/* find the minute */ for (minute = 0; sec1970 >= SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; minute += 1) sec1970 -= SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
/* remainder is the number of seconds */ second = sec1970; }
You are just way too stupid to use the search here.
I already found earlier many functions to get the date back. Look into my signature.
Re: Useful Functions -
RyDeR` - 10.03.2012
Here's my own version of
pawn Код:
stock SendFormatMessage(const iPlayer, const iColor, const szFormat[], { Float, _ }: ...) {
iArgs = (numargs() - 3) << 2
if(iArgs) {
#emit ADDR.PRI szFormat
#emit STOR.PRI s_iAddr1
for(s_iAddr2 = s_iAddr1 + iArgs, iArgs += 12; s_iAddr2 != s_iAddr1; s_iAddr2 -= 4) {
#emit LOAD.PRI s_iAddr2
#emit LOAD.I
#emit PUSH.PRI
#emit CONST.PRI s_szBuf
#emit PUSH.S szFormat
#emit PUSH.C 144
#emit PUSH.PRI
#emit PUSH.S iArgs
#emit SYSREQ.C format
#emit LCTRL 4
#emit LOAD.S.ALT iArgs
#emit ADD.C 4
#emit ADD
#emit SCTRL 4
return (iPlayer != -1) ? SendClientMessage(iPlayer, iColor, s_szBuf) : SendClientMessageToAll(iColor, s_szBuf);
return (iPlayer != -1) ? SendClientMessage(iPlayer, iColor, szFormat) : SendClientMessageToAll(iColor, szFormat);
It's slightly faster and shorter than any current versions.
Re: Useful Functions -
Ballu Miaa - 10.03.2012
Originally Posted by RyDeR`
Here's my own version of SendFormatMessage:
pawn Код:
stock SendFormatMessage(const iPlayer, const iColor, const szFormat[], { Float, _ }: ...) { new iArgs = (numargs() - 3) << 2 ; if(iArgs) { static s_szBuf[144], s_iAddr1, s_iAddr2 ; #emit ADDR.PRI szFormat #emit STOR.PRI s_iAddr1 for(s_iAddr2 = s_iAddr1 + iArgs, iArgs += 12; s_iAddr2 != s_iAddr1; s_iAddr2 -= 4) { #emit LOAD.PRI s_iAddr2 #emit LOAD.I #emit PUSH.PRI } #emit CONST.PRI s_szBuf #emit PUSH.S szFormat #emit PUSH.C 144 #emit PUSH.PRI #emit PUSH.S iArgs #emit SYSREQ.C format #emit LCTRL 4 #emit LOAD.S.ALT iArgs #emit ADD.C 4 #emit ADD #emit SCTRL 4
return (iPlayer != -1) ? SendClientMessage(iPlayer, iColor, s_szBuf) : SendClientMessageToAll(iColor, s_szBuf); } return (iPlayer != -1) ? SendClientMessage(iPlayer, iColor, szFormat) : SendClientMessageToAll(iColor, szFormat); }
It's slightly faster and shorter than any current versions.
Really great RyDeR`.The power of #emit
Re: Useful Functions -
System64 - 10.03.2012
Lol u mad ryder? I mean, this is amazing I even didn't know I can use so much params in for loop, really awesome!
Re: Useful Functions -
Rob_Maate - 14.03.2012
pawn Код:
stock DoesPlayerHaveWeapon(playerid, weaponid)
new Gun[13];
new Ammo[13];
for(new i=0; i<13; i++)
GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, Gun[i], Ammo[i]);
if(Gun[i] == weaponid)
return true;
return false;
Re: Useful Functions -
CyNiC - 16.03.2012
Your function only accepts one param, and if you set to accept more don't will work with just one.
Re: Useful Functions -
KoczkaHUN - 16.03.2012
Originally Posted by CyNiC
Your function only accepts one param, and if you set to accept more don't will work with just one.
I don't really get what you wanted to say, but I have tested it and it works fine for multiple parameters.
Re: Useful Functions - T0pAz - 16.03.2012
Originally Posted by ******
Actually, that code uses a little trick in that the pre-processor doesn't limit the number of parameters:
pawn Код:
#define A(%0,%1)
// With: A(0, 1); // %0 = 0 // %1 = 1
// With: A(0, 1, 2, 3) // %0 = 0 // %1 = 1, 2, 3
The pre-processor is purely a text-based matcher - things like "parameters" and "commas" mean nothing to it.
Interesting. Will the result be accurate afterwards?
Re: Useful Functions -
System64 - 17.03.2012
ryder already made better function for that
pawn Код:
stock RemovePlayerWeapon(playerid, ...)
new iArgs = numargs();
SetPlayerAmmo(playerid, getarg(iArgs), 0);
Re: Useful Functions -
Slice - 17.03.2012
Originally Posted by ******
The pre-processor is purely a text-based matcher - things like "parameters" and "commas" mean nothing to it.
It does treat brackets/parenthesis specially, though!
Re: Useful Functions -
TheArcher - 20.03.2012
@KoczkaHUN I remember Ryder said somewhere that that function needs to be called somewhere after OnGameModeInit or OnFilterScriptinit
Re: Useful Functions -
Kaczmi - 21.03.2012
stock OddOrEven( _num_ )
if( ( 1 & ( _num_ ) ) == 1 ) return 1;
else return 0;
if(OddOrEven(17) == 1)
printf("17 is an odd number");
else printf("Number 17 is even");
Re: Useful Functions -
Kaczmi - 21.03.2012
Originally Posted by ******
pawn Код:
#define OddOrEven(%0) (1&(%0))
Yes, i tested it, it works but I dont like code with warnings/errors.
redundant test constant expression is non-zero
Re: Useful Functions -
Kaczmi - 02.04.2012
Originally Posted by aNdReSk
can this be used on chat messages kaczmi?
Yes, easy use:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[])
DisableBadWord(text,"_SOME WORD_");
return 0;
Re: Useful Functions -
DarkScripter - 05.04.2012
Updating TextDraw Function
pawn Код:
stock UpdateTextDraw(Text: textid, str[], player = -1)
TextDrawSetString(textid, str);
return player != -1 ? TextDrawShowForPlayer(player, textid) : TextDrawShowForAll(textid);
made me.
Re: Useful Functions -
Kar - 05.04.2012
pawn Код:
stock ShiftRGBAToABGR(&color)
new r, g, b, a;
r = (color >>> 24);
g = (color >>> 16 & 0xFF);
b = (color >>> 8 & 0xFF);
a = (color & 0xFF);
color = (a & 0xFF) | ((b & 0xFF) << 8) | ((g & 0xFF) << 16) | (r << 24);
return color;
Re: Useful Functions -
TheArcher - 05.04.2012
Originally Posted by ******
From YSI y_cell:
pawn Код:
stock Cell_ReverseBytes(data) { // Swap all bytes. return (data >>> 24) | ((data & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((data & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (data << 24); }
it shows you the bytes from a cell?
Re: Useful Functions -
Kar - 05.04.2012
Originally Posted by ******
From YSI y_cell:
pawn Код:
stock Cell_ReverseBytes(data) { // Swap all bytes. return (data >>> 24) | ((data & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((data & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (data << 24); }
Nice Job.