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SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Printable Version

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Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Kontrol - 01.02.2013

Nice, too many updates though!

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - IstuntmanI - 01.02.2013

Originally Posted by zgintasz
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it's not comming, I'm sure it will be after 8 months.
So, the idea is that it is comming. "Comming" is even 2 years.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Kathleen - 01.02.2013

Very Nice Updates

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Lordzy - 01.02.2013

Thanks a bunch.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - King Of Samp - 01.02.2013


Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - MehranGta - 01.02.2013

So Nice!

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Typhome - 01.02.2013

Great work, SA-MP team.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Hanger - 01.02.2013

I am checking forums for R2 evey hour just to make sure if Kalcor is not trolling around.. .

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Error000 - 01.02.2013

Great job samp team, keep up the good work. i can\'t wait to check this update/

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Infinity90 - 01.02.2013

Finally! it's here
Good job dev team. Hopefully you guys add more stuff.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - xDaidal0S - 01.02.2013

Well done Kalcor and SA:MP Team nice work.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - HyDrAtIc - 03.02.2013

Originally Posted by RingoRus
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Our project need a server with 1000 slots. How can I get it?
Speak to them.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - JonnyDeadly - 05.02.2013

Looks great, nice one

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - [PROSTREET] - 06.03.2013

My Sa-MP Always crashed when i hit play button.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - MarshallNero - 06.03.2013

Awesome... Nice work

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - GhostDeath - 17.03.2013

Thank you samp team,I just don't understand why they called it 0.3x why not 0.3f lol anyways good job.

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Gforcez - 17.03.2013

Originally Posted by GhostDeath
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Thank you samp team,I just don't understand why they called it 0.3x why not 0.3f lol anyways good job.
quote from:

'If you've been following SA-MP releases for a while, you'll know that the (x) version means this will likely be the final release in the current (0.3) branch.'

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Justin911 - 20.03.2013

aweosmeeeeee dowsomeee

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Dzines4SAMP - 20.03.2013

Good job, although I want to see any major updates in which at-least 10,000 users will appreciate it in 0.4 RCs!

Re: SA-MP 0.3x is released! - Zaito - 22.03.2013

Good Job Kalcor! and thanks for it now our server has lots of updates and awesome features for it