Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
wolfcock - 19.09.2011
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
GTA-Roleplay - 19.09.2011
Originally Posted by jordyvc
How can i turn make me leader off?
/makeleader [playerid] 0
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
wolfcock - 19.09.2011
That doesn't help in all times...
"/quitfaction" is the best solution :P
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
GTA-Roleplay - 19.09.2011
Now there is version 5 see in the changelog what is fixed
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
zan_bevcar - 23.09.2011
Originally Posted by wolfcock
Be more specific please?
when i press F5 it show me much erors. cuz u dont make spaces
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
jordyvc - 23.09.2011
Where is the trucker job? i can't find a icon? or i can't find a place were i can use /join or somthing!
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
needhack - 23.09.2011
Hi, as already mentioned there is no possibility to turn the vehicle engine on.
I press shift, I type /engine, but the car is still frozen, no matter what vehicle it is.
Any fix for this?
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
Tidzii - 23.09.2011
I found a bug In the server when i Login as Cop with gun's the server keep spammming
"[AC] : Tidzii maybe Have Gun cheat /spec him NOW!"
"[AC] : Tidzii maybe Have Gun cheat /spec him NOW!"
"[AC] : Tidzii maybe Have Gun cheat /spec him NOW!"
etc .....
can any one Fix this Bug plizz !??
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
needhack - 23.09.2011
Also, going on cop duty gives you the CJ skin.. so..
Help would be much appreciated
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
dudaefj - 24.09.2011
A gift for u
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHunterR] = dini_Int(string2,"HunterDriver");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pRhinoR] = dini_Int(string2,"RhinoDriver");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPredR] = dini_Int(string2,"PredatorDriver");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHydraR] = dini_Int(string2,"RhinoDriver");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pViewPms] = dini_Int(string2,"ViewPms");
easy to fix
hard to find :S
Waiting v6
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
=WoR=Mitch - 24.09.2011
Originally Posted by Tidzii
I found a bug In the server when i Login as Cop with gun's the server keep spammming
"[AC] : Tidzii maybe Have Gun cheat /spec him NOW!"
"[AC] : Tidzii maybe Have Gun cheat /spec him NOW!"
"[AC] : Tidzii maybe Have Gun cheat /spec him NOW!"
etc .....
can any one Fix this Bug plizz !??
I haven't come across it yet, but i do get a spammed message for when people with draw money from atm/bank
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
wolfcock - 24.09.2011
Originally Posted by needhack
Hi, as already mentioned there is no possibility to turn the vehicle engine on.
I press shift, I type /engine, but the car is still frozen, no matter what vehicle it is.
Any fix for this?
Here you go!
if(!strcmp(cmd, "/engine", true))
if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) return 1;
if(pveh == 510 || pveh == 462 || pveh == 481 || pveh == 509) return 1;
if(HireCar[playerid] != idcar) return 1;
if(IsAHarvest(idcar)) return 1;
if(IsADrugHarvest(idcar)) return 1;
if(IsASweeper(idcar)) return 1;
if(CanTurnEngine[playerid] != idcar && CanTurnEngine[playerid] == 9999)
return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"* You cannot turn this car's engine!");
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s spins a key and tries to start vehicle engine.", sendername);
SetTimerEx("StartingTheVehicle",3500,0,"i",playeri d);
gEngine[playerid] = 1;
new y, m, d;
new h,mi,s;
format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] %s [CMD] -> /engine",d,m,y,h,mi,s,sendername);
return 1;
else if(engineOn[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)])
if(!engineOn[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, "Engine not started!");
if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, "Do you think that you can start an engine which you don't have?");
if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, "Only the driver can do this!");
// if(IsABike(pveh)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, "Bike doesn't have an engine");
// if(pveh == 462) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, "You don't need to do that");
engineOn[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] = false;
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s turns off the engine.", sendername);
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_CHAT1,COLOR_CHAT2,COLOR_CHAT3,COLOR_CHAT4,CO LOR_CHAT5);
new y, m, d;
new h,mi,s;
format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] %s [CMD] -> /tn [Vehicle: %d]",d,m,y,h,mi,s,sendername, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
return 1;
return 1;
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
ModianO - 24.09.2011
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
needhack - 24.09.2011
EDIT: Nvm about that.
There is another bug that I would love a fix for - /duty gives you the CJ skin.
EDIT 2: How do I add a new vehicle (Rhino) to the national guard?
I already got the coordinates from debug. I just want it to be owned by NG.
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
unforgiveniii - 02.10.2011
Well since you are taking a look on this script it would be nice if you could fix /v lock1 | /v lock2 bug, none of those cmds work at all, although if you use /lock it will lock your vehicle in slot #1, I tried to look up /v lock in the .pwn file but I could find absolutely nothing, either you fix it and release the new version or post the fix here, I'd be thankful
Re : [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
devшse - 06.10.2011
Hello I want to know the command to increase the lvl of a play or even self thank you = D
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
Flanjak - 07.10.2011
Not working still /buy in 24/7 && /rentveh && /engine and will be good to enable new command >/trunk open< - to open trunk (good idea) PLEASE FIX BUGS
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
Madboy - 15.10.2011
How do i change the Raven Roleplay ? ingame name so it has my server name ?. Im new to this any help appreciated
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
[Headless] - 15.10.2011
Originally Posted by Madboy
How do i change the Raven Roleplay ? ingame name so it has my server name ?. Im new to this any help appreciated
Find this line : SetGameModeText("Raven's Roleplay");
Change the "Raven's Roleplay" to your server name.
Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c -
Madboy - 15.10.2011
Originally Posted by [Headless]
Find this line : SetGameModeText("Raven's Roleplay");
Change the "Raven's Roleplay" to your server name.
still Shows Raven