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[GameMode] San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Printable Version

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Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Mijata - 30.04.2019

Seems like samp is definitely dying

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - soobya - 03.05.2019

any help please how to fix crash and server slots
and thanks

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Stgnature - 13.05.2019

Great Work

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - eaxqbyte - 16.05.2019

Nice work. clean, amazing, cool mini-jobs, well managed and code is amazingly fast, light yet intelligent resistance against cheats.

If you guys installed correct versions of plugins and includes after all steps you will still have problem with discord_relay.pwn and poker.pawn. This is how I got rid of these errors for me:
In poker.pwn
turn this:
 return SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, va_return(format, va_start<5>), color, drawdistance, expiretime);
into this:
 return 0; //SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, va_return(format, va_start<5>), color, drawdistance, expiretime);
do the same to other similar errors in poker.pawn and descord_relay.pwn

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Satish1 - 18.05.2019

The gamemode is comming unknown for me ;(((
Can anyone help me??

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - a1382 - 16.02.2020

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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Download crashdetect (plugin) and add it in your server.cfg file (as the very first plugin). It should then tell you what's up.

That suspicion is based on?
i have added it but its not first in server.cfg

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Kwarde - 16.02.2020

crashdetect plugin should be loaded before the other plugins. Example:

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - a1382 - 17.02.2020

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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crashdetect plugin should be loaded before the other plugins. Example:
I do that
Now it says this in server_log.txt :

[17:02:18] =======================================
[17:02:18] | |
[17:02:18] | YSI version 4.00.0001 |
[17:02:18] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[17:02:18] | |
[17:02:18] =======================================
[17:02:31] [MYSQL]: Connection to database is successful.
[17:03:23] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[17:03:23] [debug] Unknown opcode 0x208 at address 0x0060DA0C
[17:03:23] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:03:23] [debug] #0 0060da0c in UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelTextEx (Text3D:id=425, color=-1061109505, format[]=@0070f82c "Press ENTER To Play Poker", 9303728, 9303600, 9303472) at irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn:59
[17:03:23] [debug] #1 0060e308 in ResetLabel (handle=0) at irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn:416
[17:03:23] [debug] #2 00610ea0 in CreatePokerTable (buy_in=1000000, small_blind=10000, Float:X=-1283.96204, Float:Y=-741.65399, Float:Z=69.57400, seats=4, vworld=0, interior=0) at irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn:551
[17:03:23] [debug] #3 003fa454 in @yH_OnScriptInit@041 () at irresistible\cnr\static\player_objects.pwn:10925
[17:03:23] [debug] #4 000177e0 in public HookChain_OnScriptInit () at E:\GameModes\cnr\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Data\..\ YSI_Coding\..\YSI_Internal\
[17:03:23] [debug] #5 00037d30 in public AMX_OnScriptInit () at E:\GameModes\cnr\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Data\..\ YSI_Coding\y_hooks/
[17:03:23] [debug] #6 0000a690 in public Debug_OnScriptInit () at E:\GameModes\cnr\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Data\..\ YSI_Internal\..\YSI_Core\..\YSI_Storage\ 233
[17:03:23] [debug] #7 000016b4 in public YVers_OnScriptInit () at E:\GameModes\cnr\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Data\..\ YSI_Internal\..\YSI_Core\..\YSI_Core\ 03
[17:03:23] [debug] #8 00000d54 in public ScriptInit_OnScriptInit () at E:\GameModes\cnr\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Data\..\ YSI_Internal\..\YSI_Core\..\YSI_Internal\y_version .inc:248
[17:03:23] [debug] #9 000009c8 in public cmd_payticket () at E:\GameModes\cnr\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Data\..\ YSI_Internal\..\YSI_Core\..\YSI_Internal\..\YSI_Se rver\
Dozdo Police BestGaming (0.3.7)

[17:03:23] Number of vehicle models: 1
[17:03:23] [ENTRANCES]: 256 entrances have been loaded. (Tick: 13ms)
[17:04:16] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[17:04:17] Incoming connection: id: 0
[17:04:18] [join] test has joined the server (0:

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Kwarde - 17.02.2020

Still nothing at all after joining?
Anything in the ./logs directory?

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - a1382 - 17.02.2020

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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Still nothing at all after joining?
Anything in the ./logs directory?
No nothing

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - VISHNU932 - 17.02.2020

Nice Release.. Great job mate!

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - a1382 - 18.02.2020

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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Still nothing at all after joining?
Anything in the ./logs directory?
Please help I still have that problem

I forgot something
I gave an error in fcnpc-crash_2020-02-18_13.39.58.txt when I joined to server
This is error:

=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
Address: 0x10006c1b

EAX: 0x0 - EBX: 0x18d1100 - ECX: 0x0 - EDX: 0x10006bf0
ESI: 0x66ee8d0 - EDI: 0x0 - EBP: 0x12ef60 - ESP: 0x12ef54

0x0: 0x175b4d8 - 0x4: 0x175b4d8 - 0x8: 0x0 - 0xC: 0x12f098 - 0x10: 0x4010b6 - 0x14: 0x175b4d8
0x18: 0x66ee8d0 - 0x1C: 0x31 - 0x20: 0x667892dc

System: Windows
SA-MP: 0.3.7 R2
FCNPC: 1.8.2

FUNC_CPlayerPool__DeletePlayer: 0x466570
FUNC_CPlayer__Kill: 0x484620
FUNC_CPlayer__EnterVehicle: 0x484c70
FUNC_CPlayer__ExitVehicle: 0x484f50
FUNC_CPlayer__SpawnForWorld: 0x486d30
FUNC_GetVehicleModelInfo: 0x488240
FUNC_CConsole__GetIntVariable: 0x48b5b0
FUNC_ClientJoin_RPC: 0x4918f0

VAR_ServerAuthentication: 0x4f5fe8
VAR_NetVersion: 0xfd9

OFFSET_RemoteSystemManager: 0x33c
OFFSET_RemoteSystemSize: 0xcb8
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__ConnectMode: 0xcb0
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__Unknown: 0xcb5
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Kwarde - 18.02.2020

Well I have no idea what's up then.
You can ignore the FCNPC crashlog, it usually does that when quitting the gamemode. I will compare it with my fcnpc crashlogs just to be sure.

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - a1382 - 18.02.2020

how can I ignore it while samp-server.exe quits when join to server?
it makes me crazy

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Kwarde - 19.02.2020

Originally Posted by a1382
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how can I ignore it while samp-server.exe quits when join to server?
it makes me crazy
Getting the same crashlog on a working server, so I can only assume it is something else, and I wouldn't know what that is.
Perhaps try on a diff system, eventually a virtual machine.

You can also try to find a post this topic where I posted all the correct includes in a .zip file. Try to use those and recompile and then try connecting again. Maybe you're using a wrong include (or even a plugin). Impossible to say without logs tho. Runtime error 6 usually occurs on linux based systems when using a wrong .so plugin. Recheck everything.

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Shadow0707 - 17.06.2020

Originally Posted by MWahyuDinarta
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how to fix it, now my pawno still compiling the script. never ends and never finished. spent much time, plz help
Follow this make sure every step is correct

and use Zeex Compiler

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - MWahyuDinarta - 17.06.2020

Originally Posted by Shadow0707
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Follow this make sure every step is correct

and use Zeex Compiler
now i get this

D:\ACNR\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "HTTP"
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 4)
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

this is the code on that line

stock SetPlayerChatBubbleEx(playerid, color, Float:drawdistance, expiretime, const format[], va_args<>)
return SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, va_return(format, va_start<5>), color, drawdistance, expiretime);
stock UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelTextEx(STREAMER_TAG_3D_TEX T_LABEL id, color, const format[], va_args<>)
return UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(id, color, va_return(format, va_start<3>));

stock ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], button1[], button2[], const format[], va_args<>)
return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption, va_return(format, va_start<7>), button1, button2);

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Shadow0707 - 17.06.2020

Originally Posted by MWahyuDinarta
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now i get this

D:\ACNR\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "HTTP"
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 4)
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
irresistible\cnr\features\visage\poker.pwn(55) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

this is the code on that line

stock SetPlayerChatBubbleEx(playerid, color, Float:drawdistance, expiretime, const format[], va_args<>)
return SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, va_return(format, va_start<5>), color, drawdistance, expiretime);
stock UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelTextEx(STREAMER_TAG_3D_TEX T_LABEL id, color, const format[], va_args<>)
return UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(id, color, va_return(format, va_start<3>));

stock ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], button1[], button2[], const format[], va_args<>)
return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption, va_return(format, va_start<7>), button1, button2);

read carefully.

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - MWahyuDinarta - 04.07.2020

can you please fix the .pwn and all of the scripts. and make it fully working compiled because there is no .amx . and if you succes to compile it, please upload it to mediafire with all the files of the server as like as includes, scriptfiles anything. because my problem is only one, i can't make it to be compiled. may you do that, please?

Re: San Fierro Cops And Robbers - Kwarde - 04.07.2020

Originally Posted by MWahyuDinarta
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because my problem is only one, i can't make it to be compiled. may you do that, please?
If there are errors, look in this topic for fixes (they're bound to be there).
Apart from that, don't use compiler (pawncc) that comes from but use the community (aka Zeex's) compiler.

If you're uncertain which one you're using, compile this:
pawn Code:
#if defined __PawnBuild
    #warning You're using the community compiler!
    #error You're using the default compiler!