Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
iamsarvankr - 09.09.2018
“With drive and a bit of talent you can move mountains.”
This Quotation from Dwayne the Rock Johnson, I really like it.
here is the link, you can read more:-
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
DiagnosticsSolutions - 30.10.2018
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
VeryTallMidget - 30.10.2018
Married, one child, that didn't work out so he married a grown woman. (Police Squad)
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. (Clint Eastwood)
You have any kids lieutenant ? No.. Lucky for them... (Clint Eastwood, Deadpool 1988 )
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
GTLS - 30.10.2018
Originally Posted by R4nd4ll
"Trust me, Grab your girl before somebody else grab her" - How i met your mother
True.. hahah
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
AmirSavand - 31.10.2018
"The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Harvey Specter
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
v1k1nG - 31.10.2018
"... I am the one who knocks"
Not from a movie but from a tv series
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
AllyNotElly - 05.11.2018
"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're going to love it." - Friends
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
NL-Sultan - 08.11.2018
Say hello to my little friend!
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
Alex Magaсa - 08.11.2018
I am classic American Dad & Family guy fan:
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
Gforcez - 14.12.2018
Re: Share your favorite movie quotes -
VeryTallMidget - 14.12.2018
You must stop being so generous to the world, monsieur Dantes, God will get jealous ! (The Count of Monte Cristo)