Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
N0FeaR - 19.09.2017
Amazing job +rep
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [SII][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
xMoBi - 19.09.2017
Nice script.
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
TomRedlake - 20.09.2017
Amazing! Unique and awesome
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
sBlackWood - 03.10.2017
Good job. +rep mate
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
OG Killo - 03.10.2017
Woah, thats impressive!
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
AssadMota - 04.07.2018
The admin code dont work:
I found this in the gamemode aijfaisjfaisfaisfafnskanf123123
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
xMoBi - 04.07.2018
Originally Posted by AssadMota
The admin code dont work:
I found this in the gamemode aijfaisjfaisfaisfafnskanf123123
Change admin command with this:
COMMAND:makeadmin(playerid, params[]) {
if(PlayerStat[playerid][AdminLevel] < 5) return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SERVER: Unknown command.");
new targetid, alevel, str[128], olevel = PlayerStat[targetid][AdminLevel];
if(sscanf(params,"ud", targetid, alevel))return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "USAGE: /makeadmin [playerid] [adminlevel]");
if(targetid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "Target ID not found.");
if(alevel < 0 || alevel > 5) return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "Invalid admin level.");
if(alevel > olevel) {
format(str, sizeof(str), "Admin %s has promoted %s to level %d admin.", GetForumNameNC(playerid), GetForumNameNC(targetid), alevel);
SendClientMessageToAll(RED, str);
PlayerStat[targetid][AdminLevel] = alevel;
if (!olevel) {
format(PlayerStat[targetid][AdminCode], 128, "A%d%d", random(100) + 10, random(100) + 10);
format(str, sizeof str, "Your administrator code is: \"%s\". Please write it down somewhere!", PlayerStat[targetid][AdminCode]);
SendClientMessage(targetid, RED, str);
else {
format(str, sizeof(str), "Admin %s has demoted %s to level %d admin.", GetForumNameNC(playerid), GetForumNameNC(targetid), alevel);
SendClientMessageToAll(RED, str);
PlayerStat[targetid][AdminLevel] = alevel;
return 1;
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
$Marco$ - 06.07.2018
Originally Posted by xMoBi
Change admin command with this:
COMMAND:makeadmin(playerid, params[]) {
return 1;
Damn, never thought about making a random code that will be sent to the user - I used to ask my admins for a secret phrase they wanted their admin code to be and changed it for them.
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
AnassGM - 06.07.2018
Dude ITs Looks Awesome. but i Inside First_last.ini I cant find "Name" to change it. so when I Join with a new name and i request app. i cant aprouved my self. cuz i am not admin :C
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
$Marco$ - 13.07.2018
Originally Posted by AnassGM
Dude ITs Looks Awesome. but i Inside First_last.ini I cant find "Name" to change it. so when I Join with a new name and i request app. i cant aprouved my self. cuz i am not admin :C
You need to change the file name, literally the file.
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
DKNY - 02.08.2018
Congratulations. Gamemode is very good!
Does Crafting System Not Work?
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
$Marco$ - 08.08.2018
Originally Posted by DKNY
Congratulations. Gamemode is very good!
Does Crafting System Not Work?
It doesn't, I've started scripting it yet I've never finished.
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
Kaish - 13.08.2018
Hey dude, I am translating this Gamemode to Serbian. Once I change a single line of code, admin and Door systems don't work.
FYI, I am a N00b in Pawn but I am a Developer(C#, C++)
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
$Marco$ - 13.08.2018
Originally Posted by Kaish
Hey dude, I am translating this Gamemode to Serbian. Once I change a single line of code, admin and Door systems don't work.
FYI, I am a N00b in Pawn but I am a Developer(C#, C++)
Show me what you've changed.
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
Kaish - 19.08.2018
I've deleted the gamemode. I'll start from ground up and check
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
PhilippineGangsta - 04.01.2019
I'd like to start a server with this gm, anyone interested?
Re: [0.3.7r2] High Desert Prison Roleplay [Y_INI][Custom Map/Inventory/100% Working] -
HNIC - 17.01.2019
Beautiful, only downside is Y_INI. SAMP could use a succesful prison roleplay server.