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[Include] BustAim - Detects players using aimbot - Printable Version

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Re: BustAim - Detects players using aimbot - Nubik - 15.09.2018

[26/03/2018 10:57:27] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[26/03/2018 10:57:27] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 65535 in array of size 51
[26/03/2018 10:57:27] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[26/03/2018 10:57:27] [debug] #0 0000e5e8 in public OnPlayerWeaponShot (playerid=0, weaponid=26, hittype=1, hitid=65535, Float:fX=0.18288, Float:fY=-0.00229, Float:fZ=-0.11527) at D:\gm\pawno\include\
PHP код:
        #if defined BUSTAIM_IS_PAUSED_FUNCTION
#if defined BustAim_OnPlayerWeaponShot
return BustAim_OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid,weaponid,hittype,hitid,fX,fY,fZ);
return 1;
if((GetTickCount() - BustAim_g_LastUpdateTick[hitid]) > 1000// Line 322
            #if defined BustAim_OnPlayerWeaponShot
return BustAim_OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid,weaponid,hittype,hitid,fX,fY,fZ);
return 1;
I get this error like 100 times in my server_logs every 2 days, anyone knows what's causing this?

Re: BustAim - Detects players using aimbot - Iguman - 22.11.2018

error 017: undefined symbol "WARNING_BACKWARD_SHOT"