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[GameMode] [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Printable Version

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Respuesta: Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - RafaelZam - 09.10.2013

Originally Posted by DanishHaq
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Nice job, well done.
thank you !
Doing the next update, will be posted in 3 days ! maybe :

i'm creating a simple server with mysql so, idk when i will post the next update and the new gm C:

Respuesta: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - RafaelZam - 15.10.2013

Well i added more admins commands
this update is still beta
cuz some cmds are bugged like sethealth
dm area added with a new team NO TEAM only for dmers
/teams updated now u can see who is in dm area with /teams
added 36 gang zones all are capturables but still are bugged,
now usa and terrorist teams can use /r radio talk
i will update again but i'm doing an Fs for a server...
the server version is stilll 4.6.2x but will be changed in the next update, well this update.
thank you

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Crimer - 15.10.2013

Good Work, very creative.

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Alphlax - 16.10.2013

Thanks for sharing

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - qazwsx - 16.10.2013

Very Nice ^_^!!!

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Cuhz - 16.10.2013

Looks nice - Nice job!

Respuesta: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - RafaelZam - 16.10.2013

thank you guys
hope you like the next update

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - RafaelZam - 21.11.2013

hey ya !
finnnnnnaaaalllyyy ! updated again !
i forget upload the new version, bcz now i have a real job and well, i haven't much time for this but however i'm here sharing my works to you all
anyway heres the new update
new name LAtin Gang War 5.1
removed sync system
added a new sync system
fixed /rvehicle command (changed to /rv)
changed now is /fix only for ingenieros
radio team updated
admin chat changed new colors
added some admins commands like (/ban /kick /report /setlevel)
commands added /rv and /rvall (repspawn cars // respawn all cars)
/cc added
you can do /sts or /stats /wshop or /weaponshop
/rank command Fixed
fixed bug(now you can select your class but you need a rank to use it)

added more randoms messages
Added /mkit
fixed /setvip /setdonor /setadmin /heal /dheal
Medics class donor class added
removed textdraws about ranks
removed some zones was bugged so i just removed it to avoid a big problem :V
the map still have the flags in game

added /weapons 
 -fixed this command, was bugged and i didn't knew :v
now donors can use /fix and /dcar /dbike
Mapped more things in the map like Some bases added more fences
/mute /rqmute [text] now mute players
 -updated this ^ you can;t use /rqmute if you aren't muted /rmute added too
/donors fixed
now donors can use /offmap /onmap new command for donors
now snipers are invisible on the map
new commmand /goodbye
use /acmds or /ahelp to see the admins cmds
/change pass added, now you can change your password in-game
/banip added
new commands (all cmds)
 /banip /ban /kick /mute /burn /explode /ip /checkbanned /cban
 /rv /rvall /freeze /unfreeze /openevent (all about event system) /unmute
 /weapons /ping /getinfo /goto /get /eget /setdonor /setlevel 
 /spec /specoff /slap /clearchat (aka /cc) /asite /husted /hydra /banuser
Donors Cmds 
 /repair /nitro (/nos) /dcar /dbike /onmap /offmap /dsay /skin /fix
 /dheal /dcmds 
 especial gifs in event system
i added two cmds in game juts remove it
 /score2 /score it was to test something about ranks these things :S
/updates isn't updated lol
/wanted added
/vc /cv /cvehicle
thats all aboout this new versoin hope you like this
rep me if you like it the new version
sorry for the english and if u have internet, see ya later :'D ! bye
PD:i will do another update, i know i said that this will be the last update but well, i need complete the gm, bye

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - juank - 21.11.2013

Good work , i seem fabulous maybe i could play...

Respuesta: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - SeV_ - 21.11.2013


Zcmd : ZeeX

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Jankingston - 21.11.2013

Niec, +rep

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - RafaelZam - 21.11.2013

Thank you guys !
jankingston you didn;t xD ! ok'no D:

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - KhaledElkhourashi - 22.02.2014

#include <boxmsg>
#include <a_tiempos>

I need this includes please, Thanks.

Re : [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Younes44 - 15.03.2014

Nice gm.
i'll test it xD

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Fn1Ln2 - 15.03.2014

Is it updated to SA-MP0.3Z and include all the files to run it ?
Thanks alot , looks like a nice gamemode !

Respuesta: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - RafaelZam - 01.04.2014

OHhhh long time, i need update this again, i will test new files and change the version, Thank you x'd!

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - maaz - 01.04.2014

nice one +rep

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - rangerxxll - 01.04.2014

I checked it out. It's quite nice, honestly. Good job buddy.

Re: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - Stk007 - 01.04.2014


Respuesta: [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system] - RafaelZam - 18.05.2014

Thank you guys :'D :*